The attached is the service manual for my guitar, and on page 4 it shows the pickup wiring. Each pickup has 3 terminals on it labelled "P" "E" and "C". Can anyone tell me what they mean?
One is the hot lead, one is the ground lead, the other is the coil split. The wiring diagram is hard to follow, but it looks like the 2 braided shields are tied to the E and the inner wires of the 2 cables are tied to P & C. The cable tied to C goes to the coil split switch, the cable tied to P goes to the volume pot (in both cases). My guess is Positive, Earth, & Coil (split).
If you in fact have 2 DPDT Switches like the picture, You can use one to split both pickups.
Use the other switch to wire the bridge Pickup Reverse Polarity.
You use the 2 switches with the 3 way switch and you get a number of combinations.
I did this on a customers guitar and it worked real slick.
"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill