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Problem with 2 humbuckers/2 volume/2 tone controls layout.

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  • Problem with 2 humbuckers/2 volume/2 tone controls layout.

    Hello! I'm a bit dizzy for a bad cold so this could be the problem anyway I have a problem with this wiring...
    The instrument has 2 humbuckers and I'm using this wiring as a model Wiring Diagram (twice for two pickups) and then I connect both positive and both negative wires on the output. Everything works BUT the neck pickup volume also acts as a master volume... weird.
    I tried to solder and cut the third "foot" on the volume pots, the one that usually makes the signal go down in volume when you close the pot... nothing. Any advice?
    I also tried a Rickenbacker style wiring but doesn't work. Any advice is really appreciated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Triad View Post
    Hello! I'm a bit dizzy for a bad cold so this could be the problem anyway I have a problem with this wiring...
    The instrument has 2 humbuckers and I'm using this wiring as a model Wiring Diagram (twice for two pickups) and then I connect both positive and both negative wires on the output. Everything works BUT the neck pickup volume also acts as a master volume... weird.
    I tried to solder and cut the third "foot" on the volume pots, the one that usually makes the signal go down in volume when you close the pot... nothing. Any advice?
    I also tried a Rickenbacker style wiring but doesn't work. Any advice is really appreciated.
    That's the way that wiring works. Every Les Paul behaves the same way. The tone controls will also work as maters when both pickups are selected.

    If you want the volume controls to not interact, you must wire them up like a Jazz bass.
    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


    • #3
      Uh... no cure for it? I've also found this:

      Stack-knob wiring image by Grissle209 on Photobucket

      No idea and I'm not very focused on the problem, rage had the best of me while I was also busy coughing like I had tuberculosis
      Oh, with the first attempt everything worked but I couldn't completely close the volume, there was always a bit of output to the amp.
      Last edited by Triad; 12-06-2011, 08:35 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Triad View Post
        Uh... no cure for it?
        Yes, I told you the cure!

        You need to rewire the volume controls the way they have them on a Jazz bass or Rickenbacker.

        On a Gibson, the pickup goes to the outer lug, and the center (wiper) lug goes to the output. When you turn down the volume, you short out the output, so you get no sound from both pickups.

        Instead, wire the pickup to the middle lug, and the amp to the outside lug.

        Follow this:

        But don't wire the tone controls up like that. The lug that's grounded should not be connected to anything.
        It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


        • #5
          Uhm... isn't it the same? Wiring Diagram
          I don't fully understand why they didn't show the pots like in duncan schematics. Thanx again David, I should hire a monkey to do it for me at the moment as my mind is really blown


          • #6
            Originally posted by Triad View Post
            Uhm... isn't it the same? Wiring Diagram
            I don't fully understand why they didn't show the pots like in duncan schematics. Thanx again David, I should hire a monkey to do it for me at the moment as my mind is really blown
            What David is saying is if you take your SD wiring Diagram Above.
            Swap the wire on the center of the pot with the pickup wire on the end of the pot.
            Do this for both pickups, and volume controls.
            That way when you roll off the vol, your grounding the pickup instead of the output.
            "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


            • #7
              So I should move the wire placed on the VOLUME pots on the center lug to the RIGHT lug (looking at the scheme) instead of soldering the lug to the ground? Uhm.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Triad View Post
                So I should move the wire placed on the VOLUME pots on the center lug to the RIGHT lug (looking at the scheme) instead of soldering the lug to the ground? Uhm.
                No that is not correct.
                Compare your diagram to the rick schematic.
                Personally I like the Seymour layout way.
                Most of the time We play with just bridge, or Neck.
                When you play in the middle pos. you just add the most volume you want.
                More neck or more bridge.
                Works well and real simple.
                You can do the 50s layout, or the Jbass layout like David said or try the rick format.
                Have Fun,
                "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


                • #9
                  I don't know how but it looks like I solved the problem. I was in hurry and lost my patience but when I've seen it worked I packed it up
                  Wiring is more an art than a science, though.
                  Thanx everyone!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Triad View Post
                    Wiring is more an art than a science, though.
                    No, it's very much a science.
                    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                    • #11
                      "Don't rain on my parade!" (quote)

