Built a Bolt Plus kit a couple of years ago & I have a question regarding the neck. The fingerboard is just about the thickness of the fingerboard (~1/8") above the body, is this right???? Somehow, I think that the neck pocket is not deep enough &/or the neck is too thick. My Bolt-T kit is not like this, the fingerboard is just far enough off the body so the pickguard will slide under it. The Bolt Plus has no pickguard. Also, I have to set the saddles REAL HIGH in order to get the action right. This guitar has never "felt" quite right. Thoughts/ideas?????
Built a Bolt Plus kit a couple of years ago & I have a question regarding the neck. The fingerboard is just about the thickness of the fingerboard (~1/8") above the body, is this right???? Somehow, I think that the neck pocket is not deep enough &/or the neck is too thick. My Bolt-T kit is not like this, the fingerboard is just far enough off the body so the pickguard will slide under it. The Bolt Plus has no pickguard. Also, I have to set the saddles REAL HIGH in order to get the action right. This guitar has never "felt" quite right. Thoughts/ideas?????