I've gotten some questions about how I installed a SD TS-1 pickup ring on a Strat pickguard, so I'm going to post some pix here so folks can reference it.
The ribbon cable for the TS does not properly route past the Strat pickguard, and the poorly made connections will break off very easily.
So I traced the pickup ring on the pickguard, drill pressed a slightly smaller hole than I needed, then used a small sanding drum followed by some freehand sanding with fine grits to make it look nice. The outcome is far less exotic looking than the example solutions I got from SD.
I've gotten some questions about how I installed a SD TS-1 pickup ring on a Strat pickguard, so I'm going to post some pix here so folks can reference it.
The ribbon cable for the TS does not properly route past the Strat pickguard, and the poorly made connections will break off very easily.
So I traced the pickup ring on the pickguard, drill pressed a slightly smaller hole than I needed, then used a small sanding drum followed by some freehand sanding with fine grits to make it look nice. The outcome is far less exotic looking than the example solutions I got from SD.