Originally posted by David Schwab
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The basic woodworking back in the day was accomplished mainly by pin routers, followed by subsequent, highly-variable hand-guided sanding processes. Not a BAD way to produce guitars (G & L still does), but it is slower, and less accurate at higher production levels, so Fender is now all CNC.
Some people say that all of this machine work makes for a guitar with less mojo. THAT I agree with to a large extent. I have my own custom drum business, and there is DEFINITELY something about hand-built gear. I just built a Strat clone that blows away everything I've picked up in a music store in a LONG time. However, to call a 2008 RI Fender Strat a COPY of it's 1954 former self? Man, I think we are just splitting hairs. Hey, if it's Custom Shop, chances are Abigail Ybarra, who wound pickups at Fender in the 60's, probably wound the CS pickups. Now THERE is a genuine attachment to the past.