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Taylor nut problem.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mick Bailey View Post
    100 miles for £50 at £1.50 a litre. That's 13.6 mpg. I'd be more worried about my car than my guitar.
    Considering one exact same gtr just sold on ebay for £180 last ev.. yes prolly right.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Sea Chief View Post
      Anywhere near Snoqualmine Falls Chuck? You prolly know why I ask/ mention such a specific spot. I think my spelling reasonably accurate. My winter ritual is to hunker down in my old miners cottage fire roaring away, & watch all of TP from tip to toe (until it goes crap mid season 2 & I bail out) as I live in a similarly fir forested misty & often weird area: all rather aptly atmospheric so I get completely immersed.
      TP? Not sure what program that refers to, But I'm not that hip either.

      I'm about two and a quarter hours from Snoqualmie falls. I know because I went fly fishing up that way.... Once. I'm told it's actually pretty good but my experience was all tiny fish on the north fork. The middle fork has the bigger fish but I would have had to fish in too much company If I'm going out to fly fish a stream I'm not going out into a crowd to do it. So...

      I haven't been back, but yes, geographically I'm pretty close. Close enough I've visited on a day trip just to fish.

      So what show is TP?

      Sometimes I watch a show called "Backwoods Justice" which is all about law enforcement on the Olympic peninsula. The good episodes are far between but it's local and fun for that reason. As it happens one of the biggest things these officers fight is the theft of old fiddleback maple trees from peoples property. According to the show most of it is sold anonymously to the "guitar making industry". In case you wondered where Gibson is getting it's wood It's stolen from property owners on the Olympic peninsula here in the US PNW.

      "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

      "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

      "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
      You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


      • #33
        Originally posted by Chuck H View Post

        TP? Not sure what program that refers to, But I'm not that hip either.

        I'm about two and a quarter hours from Snoqualmie falls. I know because I went fly fishing up that way.... Once. I'm told it's actually pretty good but my experience was all tiny fish on the north fork. The middle fork has the bigger fish but I would have had to fish in too much company If I'm going out to fly fish a stream I'm not going out into a crowd to do it. So...

        I haven't been back, but yes, geographically I'm pretty close. Close enough I've visited on a day trip just to fish.

        So what show is TP?

        Sometimes I watch a show called "Backwoods Justice" which is all about law enforcement on the Olympic peninsula. The good episodes are far between but it's local and fun for that reason. As it happens one of the biggest things these officers fight is the theft of old fiddleback maple trees from peoples property. According to the show most of it is sold anonymously to the "guitar making industry". In case you wondered where Gibson is getting it's wood It's stolen from property owners on the Olympic peninsula here in the US PNW.

        2-1/4 hours " pretty close" !! Wow. we would say " no, nowhere near"! Just shows how humungous your country is. TP, Pacific NW, snoqualmine falls.. Twin Peaks Chuck. Came out 1990 when I was 18, same age as the characters, & I was chasing similarly beautiful girls too, hence I think stuck so resolutely with me. Plus of course its still the best tv series ever made. Might be a bit stale for you with the countryside so familiar, or if you have a few years on me.

        Anyway Im a fly fisherperson ( pc we have to say this now ) too, well used to be/ stuff up in loft. A pricey hobby here though: & in england especially so as it still has a strong whiff of upper class "superior" fishing ( the chalk streams day prices would make you spit your cornflakes out), less so in wales but alot of old metal mining means watercourses often still have traces in out here = not many trouters. NZ though.. wow. Crystal clear rivers & streams often just you with huge cruising trouters! Amazing fishing, but, with the water so clear the b'stards could see me, or the likely reason I found so hard to catch the fkrs. Well, that was my excuse. They just laughed at me, in trite (their language). think it was £30 for a year license for all of south island! Could not be more different to england. I imagine parts of alaska might be similar. Scotland is big on hefty salmon fly fishing, two handed brawny business.. never done it, & also a pricey venture, still with some class connotations alas tho the guillies fish just as the 'lords of the manor' as it were is my view on it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sea Chief View Post
          2-1/4 hours " pretty close" !! Wow. we would say " no, nowhere near"! Just shows how humungous your country is. TP, Pacific NW, snoqualmine falls.. Twin Peaks Chuck. Came out 1990 when I was 18, same age as the characters, & I was chasing similarly beautiful girls too, hence I think stuck so resolutely with me. Plus of course its still the best tv series ever made. Might be a bit stale for you with the countryside so familiar, or if you have a few years on me.

          Anyway Im a fly fisherperson ( pc we have to say this now ) too, well used to be/ stuff up in loft. A pricey hobby here though: & in england especially so as it still has a strong whiff of upper class "superior" fishing ( the chalk streams day prices would make you spit your cornflakes out), less so in wales but alot of old metal mining means watercourses often still have traces in out here = not many trouters. NZ though.. wow. Crystal clear rivers & streams often just you with huge cruising trouters! Amazing fishing, but, with the water so clear the b'stards could see me, or the likely reason I found so hard to catch the fkrs. Well, that was my excuse. They just laughed at me, in trite (their language). think it was £30 for a year license for all of south island! Could not be more different to england. I imagine parts of alaska might be similar. Scotland is big on hefty salmon fly fishing, two handed brawny business.. never done it, & also a pricey venture, still with some class connotations alas tho the guillies fish just as the 'lords of the manor' as it were is my view on it.

          All you say about fishing outside the US is (as best I can say) consistent with what I've read. But as to the hobby being expensive, nah. I build my own rods and have a preference for small streams. That keeps the price tag manageable. Less specialty gear and travel. My rods are in the 7' to 8' range and made from fiberglass as opposed to graphite because it's easy to trip and fall on a rod climbing around on steep, banks choked with vegetation, big rocks, small falls, etc. Fiberglass will survive where graphite snaps like a matchstick. I do have a 9' 7wt graphite for the occasional salt work around here but it's not an expensive one. I don't tie my own flies either so none of that gear to buy. I tried. After a dozen or so, each taking a prohibitively long time, I decided buying them was less expensive.

          And, living on an island, I don't fly fish much anymore. No streams here and the ones that are close enough for a drive are mostly anadromous fish streams that run too big in summer and are down to trickles by late fall. The resident trout that live within day trip range here don't go much over six or seven inches. I start to lose interest below about eight inches with at least a chance of something bigger.

          Salmon fishing has been poor here for a few years but I won't go into that. In season I'll surf cast for big, dime bright silvers in the company of mostly older and retired, grizzled blue collar guys doing the same. I go for the conversation as much as the fish.
          "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

          "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

          "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
          You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


          • #35
            Not a Twin Peaks fan then. The opening sequence filmed at snoquAlmine falls you see, there's a hotel above it where alot happens. Iconic. And all your big douglas firs too.


            • #36
              Twin peaks was a restaurant around here that tried competing with Hooters but I think their thing was bikinis.
              soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


              • #37
                Hooters! Haha.. you still have this place running in 2021! Thats almost as strange as an episode of twin peaks.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sea Chief View Post
                  Not a Twin Peaks fan then.
                  I honestly don't know. It's been suggested to me and it was certainly popular enough. But I still haven't watched any of it.

                  "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

                  "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

                  "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
                  You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


                  • #39
                    I remember Twin Peaks fondly, though I haven’t got around to watching the 2017 3rd series yet. For all his quirkiness, every so often David Lynch hits the nail on the head and something resonates with me. And the scenery and music was excellent.
                    My band:-


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by pdf64 View Post
                      I remember Twin Peaks fondly, though I haven’t got around to watching the 2017 3rd series yet. For all his quirkiness, every so often David Lynch hits the nail on the head and something resonates with me. And the scenery and music was excellent.
                      Hi pdf. series 3 was unbelievable just it even happening for us fans, linking directly in "I'll see you in 25 years" LauraP tells Agent Cooper in series 2 (but noone read anything into this of course in 1991).

                      Then when it came out.. so different to 1&2, dark as his best film & as strange as eraserhead but with modern tricks... made our collective heads explode. Its so complicated & avant garde to be an artistic thing on its own. Mind blowing Lynch at his best. Music great again too. A taster for you..




                      • #41
                        Snoqualmine falls & area shots here, with another bang-bang bar tune.

                        Im diving back in again, Fire Walk With Me the precursor film always first ( pdf if not seen, its events leading up to the murder... very dark & twisted. if flawed, but an essential film for us peakers).

                        Stunning area Chuck even if 250m away from you..



                        • #42
                          Well I successfully redid my g-string slot, using baking soda/ s' glue, & a china cheapo set of £3 files. Ive gone a mite safe/ high.. but a great result.

                          Tiny bit of mess, but a battered guitar so Im not too concerned. A gleaming new nut Click image for larger version

Name:	4D2AA0EF-275B-4553-A6F2-8388EF73AB5B.jpg
Views:	93
Size:	1.67 MB
ID:	947563 in place of this nicely aged/ orangey one.. wouldn't have fit the bill.

                          Great help chaps, thank you.


                          • #43
                            Gonna attempt same on my mij jazzmaster neck now. Gulp.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	0CA06C69-B010-493A-8243-FFBA992748B5.jpg
Views:	91
Size:	1.63 MB
ID:	947565


                            • #44
                              Probably good to leave it high for a time and see how it wears. You can always take more off later if it's going well. Though I have to admit that would bug "me" perhaps you have more patience.
                              "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

                              "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

                              "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
                              You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Chuck H View Post
                                Probably good to leave it high for a time and see how it wears. You can always take more off later if it's going well. Though I have to admit that would bug "me" perhaps you have more patience.
                                Its not really noticeably high when you play.

                                Just done my jazzmaster top E slot too, huge relief! Great results. nut whiter so cannot tell Ive done anything.

                                Thanks all.

