People with unusually good hearing (so they tell us) show up with annoying frequency. They proclaim that their hearing renders them superior to the rest of us, with the underlying assumption that superior hearing correlates with penile length.
Instead of calling them "dickheads", let's say that they suffer from a "pen-ear-eal" disease, a term more polite and descriptive.
This relates to pickup making.
Silver is the best room-temp conductor, better than copper by 4%, enough to make an audible difference. Elektrisola will draw out and insulate five pounds of silver #42 magnet wire for about $500/lb.
Silver is 1/6 denser than copper and a pound of it makes 45,000 feet of #42 (cf. copper: 53,000 ft). At roughly 1 mile per pickup coil, the silver wire cost is $56.
I suggest that someone wind a few silver wire pickups expressly for weeding out the peneareal disease population.
A silver-wound Strat-style pickup would have ~$65 total parts cost and roughly 1/2 hour labor. At $65/hour, we get a ~$100 build cost. For mass-produced items, the MSRP is often 500% the build cost, or $500.
Since only 45 silver coils will ever be made from that 5 pound spool, scarcity/exclusivity pricings must apply.
$2500 per coil isn't too much to dangle in front of afflictees of peneareal disease.
Instead of calling them "dickheads", let's say that they suffer from a "pen-ear-eal" disease, a term more polite and descriptive.
This relates to pickup making.
Silver is the best room-temp conductor, better than copper by 4%, enough to make an audible difference. Elektrisola will draw out and insulate five pounds of silver #42 magnet wire for about $500/lb.
Silver is 1/6 denser than copper and a pound of it makes 45,000 feet of #42 (cf. copper: 53,000 ft). At roughly 1 mile per pickup coil, the silver wire cost is $56.
I suggest that someone wind a few silver wire pickups expressly for weeding out the peneareal disease population.
A silver-wound Strat-style pickup would have ~$65 total parts cost and roughly 1/2 hour labor. At $65/hour, we get a ~$100 build cost. For mass-produced items, the MSRP is often 500% the build cost, or $500.
Since only 45 silver coils will ever be made from that 5 pound spool, scarcity/exclusivity pricings must apply.
$2500 per coil isn't too much to dangle in front of afflictees of peneareal disease.