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Thicker Tele Neck Flatwork

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  • Thicker Tele Neck Flatwork


    David again from Mojo. I hope everyone is doing well these days. Does anyone have any use for .092'' thicker tele neck bottoms for .195'' magnets? We cut these by mistake. They were supposed to be the thinner material .063''. Anyway I have about 175-76 give or take and I can let them go for $20 plus shipping costs if anyone is interested. Let me know. Thanks.

    To clarify, these are the bottom neck tele flatwork only. Not the tops. If you want tops with them I will sell 175-76 pairs of thick bottoms and thin tops for $50 plus shipping.

  • #2
    Originally posted by zparts View Post

    David again from Mojo. I hope everyone is doing well these days. Does anyone have any use for .092'' thicker tele neck bottoms for .195'' magnets? We cut these by mistake. They were supposed to be the thinner material .063''. Anyway I have about 175-76 give or take and I can let them go for $20 plus shipping costs if anyone is interested. Let me know. Thanks.

    To clarify, these are the bottom neck tele flatwork only. Not the tops. If you want tops with them I will sell 175-76 pairs of thick bottoms and thin tops for $50 plus shipping.
    E-mail sent. Thanks!


    • #3

      I sent an email too, no reply, whats going on David?
      Stephens Design Pickups


      • #4
        Originally posted by Possum View Post
        I sent an email too, no reply, whats going on David?
        Dave, your inbox is full... I tried to send you a message the other day.
        It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


        • #5
          Huh? Strange because I replied to everyone who sent me a private message. Also I clear my inbox each time. Not sure what happenned there. Anyway I sold those thicker tele neck bottoms and several people inquired. Maybe worth making? It seems like a better design if you aren't concerned about being vintage correct. Let me know.


          • #6
            David S is replying to yet another Dave (Possum), not you. There's a clear overrepresentation of Daves in this thread.


            • #7
              Originally posted by zparts View Post
              Huh? Strange because I replied to everyone who sent me a private message. Also I clear my inbox each time. Not sure what happenned there. Anyway I sold those thicker tele neck bottoms and several people inquired. Maybe worth making? It seems like a better design if you aren't concerned about being vintage correct. Let me know.
              I sent you an e-mail instead of a PM... PM's get hard to keep track of, e-mail always goes to the same place. I must not be on your white list. Oh well...


              • #8
                Did you guys send it to I check this 24/7 and would never not reply to anyone. I always reply. Let me know.


                • #9
                  I just checked my email address for zparts. It appears that I set it up under my personal email. Big dumb mistake on my part considering I haven't had many opportunities to check my personal email lately. I just updated to from now on. Sorry for the confusion. I did sell the thicker flatwork about 10 minutes after I posted. If this is something that people like, I will see about getting it made. Thanks again Rich and Possum for pointing this out. I would have never seen that unless someone said anything.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dave Kerr View Post
                    David S is replying to yet another Dave (Possum), not you. There's a clear overrepresentation of Daves in this thread.
                    Yes, I (David S) meant Possum (Dave S), who's inbox is full, so that might explain why he wasn't getting a reply from David (Mojo).

                    Where's David King when we need him?
                    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                    • #11
                      Dave's not here, man...

                      Oops.. 70's flashback....


                      • #12

                        David: yes I used that email address and no reply. Glad you figured it out. Yes, personally I do have some use for the thicker base tele neck flatworks, so yes please add it to your inventory. Just sent you an order tonite and wondering if maybe you'd been run over by a truck or something :-)
                        Stephens Design Pickups

