Clint, cool guitar! I didn't know you had a guitar version of that. I remember the bass though. What does the chicken head knob do? Pickup selector? I'm rewiring my FirstAct Guargemaster like an L-6S.
Jedd, the thing with neos is, they can be brighter, but that also allows you to wind more wire on the pickup, if thats something you want. I also find them to have more low end than ceramic magnets.
Clint's probably right that the N45 rods shouldn't be an issue. If you want to warm the tone up a bit, use steel poles charged with a neo magnet. The tricky part is finding one the right shape.
Jedd, the thing with neos is, they can be brighter, but that also allows you to wind more wire on the pickup, if thats something you want. I also find them to have more low end than ceramic magnets.
Clint's probably right that the N45 rods shouldn't be an issue. If you want to warm the tone up a bit, use steel poles charged with a neo magnet. The tricky part is finding one the right shape.