New Month We are at $74.35 this month in Donations.Please consider making a donation. :)
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Well, see "I told you so." This is what most shootouts end up being. Guys, go check out my idea thread for the Pickup Maker's Showcase idea, everyone who makes pickups here on the forum can showcase 3 of their products and do your own video or soundclips in whatever way you see fit, then each of us can promote the Showcase to customers so they can see what all of us do and get a "taste" of some of the best pickups available....
To be fair i dont think it should be called a shootout because pickups vary in spec's so much, its not as if they went for a handful of all out repro PAF style pickups and decided which they thought was the best, they got together a group of pickups from different makers and recorded them, I myself can hear great changes from pickup to pickup and found it quite interesting how they reacted to different amps.