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Atlantic Quality Design...pickup database

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  • Atlantic Quality Design...pickup database

    This is of interest for those that may be interested. Has anyone else received this solicitation?

    "There's a new service that our company is offering for free on our web site that you may be interested in. We've created a database of pickup performance info using a custom designed electronic instrument. We measure and record the frequency response and other data of the pickup and our web page allows the user to hear the difference between pickups. The web page also plots the frequency response for technically inclined pickup users.

    The page is here:

    We have about 100 pickups of various types there now, and are visiting guitar shops to round out our selection, as well as writing manufacturers to request loaner samples to test. We thought we would offer to include your pickups in our database. If you sent us some pickups, we'd scan them and include the information in the database, then send the pickups back to you. Our database is intended to be unbiased, and we do not build or sell guitar pickups. If you are interested, let us know. You may send as many different models as you like. Sincerely,Chad Barbour&D Technologist Atlantic Quality Design, Inc. 540.966.4356 (voice)540.966.4358 (fax)"

  • #2
    Wow, over $100 for a 20 foot cable with a buffer on one end. They're not shy about cashing in on a variant of Don Tillman's design.


    • #3
      Yeah, I got it today...

