I went from a Mac Plus directly to a IICi, I couldn't afford it myself so talked EMG into buying the machine for me and I paid it off in services over time. I think it was about $6,500 back then, crazy. But it had color and postscript and you could get a color scanner for $2500 or something like that I learned to do color seps on it, real scary stuff back then, you really had to know what the hell you were doing, I knew a color seperator guy who taught me alot about screen tints and how to use those in 4 color printing to get clean results. I did some really big color seperations of large poster for EMG, you had to work on it in small sections because you couldn't have enough RAM to process big images back then. Its so easy now and still they're not fast enough
I went from a Mac Plus directly to a IICi, I couldn't afford it myself so talked EMG into buying the machine for me and I paid it off in services over time. I think it was about $6,500 back then, crazy. But it had color and postscript and you could get a color scanner for $2500 or something like that I learned to do color seps on it, real scary stuff back then, you really had to know what the hell you were doing, I knew a color seperator guy who taught me alot about screen tints and how to use those in 4 color printing to get clean results. I did some really big color seperations of large poster for EMG, you had to work on it in small sections because you couldn't have enough RAM to process big images back then. Its so easy now and still they're not fast enough