Man, that Tokai remark is still burning here
I forgot to say that my wife and I actually did use www.stephensdesign.com for years, in fact we were among the first 40 designers ever to hang portfolios out on the web back in '94 if I remember right, among those we were the only real designers, the rest were geek desktop publishers with no training. That web URL was a big mistake, no one could spell it, they would even mispell it if we gave them business cards. "I can't find your website, there's no Stevens Design site anywhere."
I still have my old design site archived for nostalgia's sake:
Stephens Design
There's alot of EMG stuff there and some album covers, I designed just about everything under the sun, the site is huge, you have to find the tiny "next" link to scroll through it. It never got finished, the net biz crashed happend in progress and we lost all our client almost overnite, as most did back then.....fun times...
Man, that Tokai remark is still burning here
I forgot to say that my wife and I actually did use www.stephensdesign.com for years, in fact we were among the first 40 designers ever to hang portfolios out on the web back in '94 if I remember right, among those we were the only real designers, the rest were geek desktop publishers with no training. That web URL was a big mistake, no one could spell it, they would even mispell it if we gave them business cards. "I can't find your website, there's no Stevens Design site anywhere."
I still have my old design site archived for nostalgia's sake:
Stephens Design
There's alot of EMG stuff there and some album covers, I designed just about everything under the sun, the site is huge, you have to find the tiny "next" link to scroll through it. It never got finished, the net biz crashed happend in progress and we lost all our client almost overnite, as most did back then.....fun times...