Originally posted by -Elepro-
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The picture doesn't show any shorts, was there some additional soldering on those three pins when you recieved the board?
If you use ANSEL=00000011 that will turn pin 10 (RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT) into a digital I/O and in conjuction with INTOSCIO and setting all of Port-C to digital (since you are not using port-C anyway) then a "short" such as you describe wouldn't have made any difference in the PIC's operation.
Another less than optimal design "feature" would be leaving pin-1 (MCLR) floating as you have done. Leaving the programming pin (pin-1) floating can lead to mis-behavour in PIC's during runtime.
(week pull-ups (WPUB) are only available on port-B in the 16F883)
When you do your next PCB for your next version you should think about adding a ~10k resistor to hard wire pin-1 high.