Well, I swiped a meter from work for the long weekend, a BK lcr meter to test some of my crude attempts at pickup making, to try to correlate what I hear to some analysis. It can test at 100hz, 120 hz, 1khz, and 10khz, and have the option to test Q, D, and something for degrees, whatever that may be...
Problem is, i don't know how to "read" the data. Or even if the test levels will work ok (I get no readings at 10khz). Shoot, i'm not even sure what C, Q, and D mean in relation to a pickup. I figured L is the power of the pickup, C would equate to brightness (lower = brighter). Not sure if my thinking is correct, or what Q and D even measure for a pickup.
Here are measurements for a P90 I did @ 1khz test level:
L : 7.957
C : 2.715
Q : 2.58
D : .386
Well, if you have any tips or tricks for a newb to understand what these are telling me, that would be great! Thanks
Problem is, i don't know how to "read" the data. Or even if the test levels will work ok (I get no readings at 10khz). Shoot, i'm not even sure what C, Q, and D mean in relation to a pickup. I figured L is the power of the pickup, C would equate to brightness (lower = brighter). Not sure if my thinking is correct, or what Q and D even measure for a pickup.
Here are measurements for a P90 I did @ 1khz test level:
L : 7.957
C : 2.715
Q : 2.58
D : .386
Well, if you have any tips or tricks for a newb to understand what these are telling me, that would be great! Thanks