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  • Potz

    I need these really bad, and can't find them!!! I know you guys can kick ass and help:
    1 meg audio- Dual concentric
    250k linear- dual concentric
    25k linear-dual concentric
    Thanks in advance for any replys. I've spent countless hours trying to find a resource. I figured I'd ask here cause I know some familiars.....

  • #2

    Have you tried Mouser?
    Stephens Design Pickups


    • #3
      Yeah,,,they have one, but not for a reasonable price. $30 for a pot? WTF man.....


      • #4
        EMG has 25k linear dual concentrics for their BTC tone circuits but those'll have center detents which you can probably disable.

        250k dual concentric audio tapers are pretty common, they were used on the '60-'62 Fender J basses. You might be able to exchange a-taper elements with b-tapers from the same brand of pot provided it's a dual element pot but that's not a given... try Fender for CTS 24 mm or Bartolini for Nobles 16 mm.

        The one meg audio dual concentrics also sounds familiar but you might be stuck with 500k linear DCs from Bartolini (used in the tct or tbibt circuits I think).

        Your last resort is to contact Vlado Hansal at MEC and he can probably assemble some custom pots for not too much but not cheap either.


        • #5
          I have a 3 channel amp, with 2 preamps, and the 3rd with an added gain stage, hence the dual concentric theme...........What a fuckin headache. Im on my wah to check them out. Thanks brother

