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Yngwie Winds Pickups for Haiti ...

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  • Yngwie Winds Pickups for Haiti ...

    From the Premier Guitar site, comes with video of Mr. Malmsteen winding at the Seymour Ducan factory.

    I wonder if he'll be joining the forum.

  • #2
    likely xtra money for him.

    ferrari's, cream strats and cheesburgers don't come cheap.


    • #3
      Originally posted by tedmich View Post
      ferrari's, cream strats and cheesburgers don't come cheap.
      And don't forget Ritchie Blackmore's old wardrobe
      It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


      • #4
        obviously Yngwie knows to wear sunglasses when soldering as the light can blind your eyes...


        • #5
          Shellac dipping

          Watching the video again, I just noticed that Ynqwie shellac dipped the pickup when done. Does anyone know if SD does that for all their traditional strat pickups or is this the place where they make the Duncan Antiquity pups?


          • #6
            Never actually heard the guy play, though his personality is legend by now. Still, you know, if the guy was auctioning off autographed 8x10 glossies of him barechested in his leather pants (apparently those don't come off) with the wind blowing his hair....for Medecins Sans Frontieres, he'd still be alright in my books. Indeed, given that there is essentially NO overhead cost here (as there might be to set up a benefit concert, what with hall rental, roadies, clean-up, transportation, posters, etc.), it's a nice gesture that raises money efficiently.

            So good for both Yngwie and Seymour.


            • #7
              That's one thing I really like about the SD company. I find the people there REALLY good people. Often times in business people are just dicks, but they are honestly good people. I think part of it is the fact they are a family business and great pickups, but they hire the absolute perfect people.

              well, almost everyone ... <cough> frank.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mark Hammer View Post
                Never actually heard the guy play, though his personality is legend by now.
                YouTube - Yngwie Malmsteen - Adagio

                YouTube - Yngwie Malmsteen - Black star
                It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                • #9

                  I think in a fist fight Satriani would have Yngwie on the floor in 3 minutes :-)

                  If you actually watched both those videos, you'll need to watch this to air your brain out
                  YouTube- AC/DC Let there be rock (1977, Unedited video version)
                  Stephens Design Pickups


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Possum View Post
                    I think in a fist fight Satriani would have Yngwie on the floor in 3 minutes :-)
                    Joe's good, but he doesn't have the same chops as Yngwie. In a fist fight... who knows. I don't care for Yngwie's music (for the most part), but he has a great picking hand.

                    Why do we need to dumb down music to air out people's brain's? Let's just play some muzak then.
                    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                    • #11

                      I think the Satch-man has a broader knowledge musically. Yngwie just sounds old school shred to me, I had to listen to that stuff for 25 years doing Shrapnel's albums then forced to do sound clips for their website. I used to piss Mike Varney off because I was so sick of shredding tweedley tweedley solos I would do samples off the songs that were more melodic and different or had acoustic guitar numbers, he just wanted the best shred solos, but they are kinda all the same fast scales. Now be honest, did you tap your foot while Yng was playing or did AC/DC get to yer soul? I can watch AC/DC alot longer than I can watch the shred guys, and watching Angus run around stage like a lunatic is amazing He's kinda slowed down lately....
                      Stephens Design Pickups


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Possum View Post
                        I think the Satch-man has a broader knowledge musically. Yngwie just sounds old school shred to me, I had to listen to that stuff for 25 years doing Shrapnel's albums then forced to do sound clips for their website. I used to piss Mike Varney off because I was so sick of shredding tweedley tweedley solos I would do samples off the songs that were more melodic and different or had acoustic guitar numbers, he just wanted the best shred solos, but they are kinda all the same fast scales. Now be honest, did you tap your foot while Yng was playing or did AC/DC get to yer soul? I can watch AC/DC alot longer than I can watch the shred guys, and watching Angus run around stage like a lunatic is amazing He's kinda slowed down lately....
                        +1000 on the burbling scales getting real old, real fast; there are so many more interesting sounds to come from an electric guitar than monophonic scales...Yng had to do the old "analog delay feedback" cop out to get any real non-note sounds live.

                        Bravo to him and SD for helping out Hati, its not like too many of us can afford to sadly.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by tedmich View Post
                          +1000 on the burbling scales getting real old, real fast; there are so many more interesting sounds to come from an electric guitar than monophonic scales...
                          He's not doing that at all in either example I posted. They are very well structured compositions. Dark Star in particular is very classically themed, even though it stays on the pedal tone throughout a large part of the main theme. But the point is he is playing a melody and not just wanking. Same with his solos. Angus wanks. it's like bad Jimmy Page solos ... you know the kind. Four notes repeated over and over.

                          All music is based on scales, including the pentatonic scales used in blues and stuff like AC/DC. Blues is also "burbling scales", only with fewer notes and more bends to get to notes. And it's slower.

                          I'm not a big Yngwie fan, but unless you can play what he can play, you can't critique it. He has excellent technique and a good grasp on music theory in general. The people that go on about "burbling scales" generally don't know how to play that way. it's not just playing any old scale or note as fast as you can. And he' not doing that either. Low it down and listen to what he is doing. Can you play what he played in either example? If you can improve on something he is doing technique wise, then by all means show where he sucks.

                          A lot of classical music is also "burbling scales", but those people are called virtuosos. For some reason guitar players often get defensive because they are not virtuosos, or don't want to be virtuosos, and then put down the players that are saying they aren't musical. Talk about under achieving! But then I'm a classically trained musician... but not on guitar or bass.

                          I just get annoyed when guitarist dumb themselves down and cop out to putting in any kind of effort to actually learn the notes on the instrument and how to play them. You don't have to be able to play that way, or even want to, but if you can't and someone else can, be gracious about it.

                          OK rant over.
                          Last edited by David Schwab; 02-01-2010, 11:39 PM.
                          It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                          • #14

                            That's a deeply nice humanitarian thing to do. Hopefully they fetch alot of money. They should too , yngwie had his day. What surprises me is Seymour is tha man...I mean common, the guy has put more stars to work in his factory than the galaxy. I hope he cracked the whip on Yngwie and had him winding all day. What a classic!!
                            AcDc all the way Dave....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by David Schwab View Post
                              He's not doing that at all in either example I posted. They are very well structured compositions. Dark Star in particular is very classically themed, even though it stays on the pedal tone throughout a large part of the main theme. But the point is he is playing a melody and not just wanking. Same with his solos. Angus wanks. it's like bad Jimmy Page solos ... you know the kind. Four notes repeated over and over.

                              All music is based on scales, including the pentatonic scales used in blues and stuff like AC/DC. Blues is also "burbling scales", only with fewer notes and more bends to get to notes. And it's slower.

                              I'm not a big Yngwie fan, but unless you can play what he can play, you can't critique it.

                              OK rant over.
                              something about not having to step in something to know you don't like it....

                              didn't mean to "critique" Yngwie per se, merely to state that I would rather listen to MIA Eklundh, Ron Thall, Guthrie Govan or even Jeff Beck than the Yng. All Yngs stuff sounds the same to me and if I wanted classical virtuosity in scales most 2nd chair symphony violinists can smoke his ass in second gear. He just bores me, but if you love his stuff by all means ROCK ON!

                              Angus both bores AND offends me; nothing new AND rudimentary IMHO

