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Few things from NAMM

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  • Few things from NAMM

    First off, a short video:

    Some pictures..

  • #2

    Tomo, guitar player for 30 Seconds to Mars. We be hooking up soon.

    More pics, coming soon...


    • #3
      Tomo seems like a nice guy but I think I would rather hookup with one of the chicks........



      • #4
        where's the AllParts video?

        I wanted to see the part where you were beating the AP guy bloody on the floor.

        I love the "there's the guy that makes the pickups" line, no one ever says These Are Wolfetones, This is The Owner and Creator of These Fine Products."

        PIckups sound good, well at least a low volume trade show craziness settings :-) Man, I sure wouldn't want to be the guy standing there all day demo-ing stuff at a trade show, kinda brings the stars down to earth real fast, Rick is looking good these days...
        Stephens Design Pickups


        • #5

          Did you get a chance to find out what's happening with Guitar Jones? I've looked and looked and he carries stuff that I just can't find anywhere else like 7-string HB parts, decent 53mm HB parts, white HB bobbins, open HB covers, etc...or are they just a lost cause?

          ...just transferring wire from one spool to another
          Stan Hinesley Pickups


          • #6
            Looks like a good time was had by all. I'd love to go to NAMM one of these years. Not to work though....

            Bet it was nice to meet Jim Marshall eh Wolfe?



            • #7
              Originally posted by Possum View Post
              I wanted to see the part where you were beating the AP guy bloody on the floor.

              I love the "there's the guy that makes the pickups" line, no one ever says These Are Wolfetones, This is The Owner and Creator of These Fine Products."

              PIckups sound good, well at least a low volume trade show craziness settings :-) Man, I sure wouldn't want to be the guy standing there all day demo-ing stuff at a trade show, kinda brings the stars down to earth real fast, Rick is looking good these days...
              Rick and I did dinner at an Italian place in Dizzyland, with my wife, a freind, and a couple other people. Rick kept trying to get everyone to try his Chicken Cacciatore. I did..and man, it was good!
              The guy is super-cool.

              STan, I did talk to Guitar Jones. He said that Alex had left him in a pretty bad spot, and that he was still trying to get settled in. I also spoke to Frank, the owner of WooSung Chorus (and Alex's and Pat's uncle), GJ's parent company, wo wants me to do consulting. Frank basically said he'd try to whip this boy into shape.

              Mick... Tomo's a cool guy. We parted thinking he woulnd't get in touch with us, but I was surprised to find an email in my inbox the other day. Things are looking pretty good on that horizon so far.


              • #8
                Guitar Jones

                Don't give up on Pat, we as a whole need to educate the guy, he took over the business and it was sink or swim, can you imagine being in that position? I finally got an order from him and it was correct and all good. I wish he would answer emails quicker but imagine its still crazy for him. Just treat him nice and be patient, and above all ORDER THE PARTS YOU NEED 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE OF WHEN YOU THINK YOU'LL RUN OUT. Hoard the shit, hoard it hoard it hoard it, or you WILL run out.....
                Stephens Design Pickups


                • #9
                  HaHaHa no worries Wolfe , looks like you had a great time , awesome place to be at I would imagine..



                  • #10
                    That looks like a remarkably crush-free show. Looks like you had a very good time there. I'm assuming you had a stand there; did you sell a lot of stuff or just raise a lot of interest. Over here in the UK, people generally don't buy a lot of stuff on the day. They buy trinkets and stuff like strings but go away with brochures and that sort of thing. Then they buy later having pondered for a while.
                    sigpic Dyed in the wool


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Spence View Post
                      I'm assuming you had a stand there; did you sell a lot of stuff or just raise a lot of interest. .
                      Nope, I had no booth. They're extremely expensive...
                      I went to have meetings with several guitar companies, suppliers like GJ, Allparts..and to have a sit-down with Allparts and tell them that we would not tolerate them running out of stuff any more, and that we want a guarateed amount of parts in stock at any time..because when they ran out of those bobbins, that probably lost me on the order of $15,000 in orders since October. I can't tolerate shit like that any more.


                      • #12
                        Lack of parts has been killing me as well. How did they respond?

                        And are you going to be a consultant for GJ. Perhaps then you could guide them to getting better parts made.


                        • #13
                          I like the Schecter chick's handcuff belt.

                          Hope the suppliers do better for you.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by WolfeMacleod View Post
                            I also spoke to Frank, the owner of WooSung Chorus (and Alex's and Pat's uncle), GJ's parent company, wo wants me to do consulting. Frank basically said he'd try to whip this boy into shape.
                            Wow, you would think GJ would actually have some WSC parts in stock then! Every time I wanted pickup covers Alex made a big deal out it! I would have to order like $800 worth minimum!

                            Maybe things will improve...

                            On a different subject... I love Parker Fly's, but almost $10,000??? Yikes!
                            It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                            • #15

                              so what DID AllParts say to that Wolfe? Did you get that brass cover I sent you in time to show them what they sold me as "nickel-silver?" That was a pisser....

                              I think Pat at GJ is probably limited to one supplier. Believe me there is tons of guitar pickup parts in Korea, I know a supplier and have seen what he can get but I don't have the resources to get the stuff, just one part can be a $600 minimum order, but maybe we could go in on some stuff. He has P90 bucker size nickel silver covers and I'm sure has the bobbins to go with them. Would love to have that stuff around to sell. Alot of it is junk but then there's stuff that isn't. I wouldn't cry too hard about the middlemen over here, they put out thousands of dollars out front so we can buy small quantities from there here, marked up of course. Without those guys there's be precious little us smaller companies could do.....
                              Stephens Design Pickups


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