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Telebass Humbucker dimensions

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  • Telebass Humbucker dimensions

    Does anybody know the cover dimensions of the T-Bass pickups? Does the Squier reissue use the same dimensions?
    Thank you for your help!
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  • #2
    Hi Bernd. Sorry I missed you at Frankfurt that would have been good to meet. Older I get the busier it gets so some things have to suffer. Maybe next time.
    I can give you a small amount of info which may help as I never kept too much on these. The origional Seth Lover appointed pickup was Cuniffe as was the guitar pickup and the reissue is now just a standard bucker. If the guitar ones are anything to go by then replacement should be straightforward. Oigional cases were (give or take a snit) 3. 1/4 inches x 2. 3/8 inches and the mounting screws were 1. 1/4 centres x 3. 7/16 centres so checking that should give you a good reference.
    Origional read about 24.5k and was white bobbins etc just like its smaller cousin.
    I have got some pics somewhere I filched off the net and will dig out if you need.


    • #3
      Hi Steve. I didnīt stay very long at Frankfurt. I hope god blesses you with some more years so that you can fulfill all your duties,haha. I think their will come the right time to meet. Thank you for the assistance. Iīm working on tolling for Telebass replacement covers and need as much info as possible. Some pics would be good.

