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Black pole screws, any know were to get

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  • Black pole screws, any know were to get

    Well, the title says it all. I need black HB pole screws. Anyone know were to find any exept from GJ. I'd rather avoid him as I had so much trouble last time...

  • #2
    Peter just paint standard ones with an aerosol but make sure the paint's hard before using them.
    sigpic Dyed in the wool


    • #3
      Originally posted by Spence View Post
      Peter just paint standard ones with an aerosol but make sure the paint's hard before using them.

      Use some metal blacking fluid before any painting as it will keep the screws dark if the paint flakes off. You can get it from model engineering suppliers or a gunsmiths suppliers.


      Last edited by the great waldo; 05-19-2010, 07:03 PM. Reason: spilling


      • #4
        I had of cause thought of painting them. I was a bit hesitant as I thought of the paint rubbing of some were down the road. But the metal blacking fluid might be the thing to use. How black does it turn the metal (thinking of using only that part)? Does it turn black or just a blue-ish black or ...


        • #5
          Whchever way you go you will probably have to remove the plating on the head. If your prepared to go with a little bit of tempering then oil black the heads by holding the screws with a pair of pliers and heating the head with a very small gas flame till almost cherry red then dip them quick in dirty black old car engine sump oil. A lot of common nuts and bolts do get done this way.


          • #6
            Originally posted by the great waldo View Post

            Use some metal blacking fluid before any painting as it will keep the screws dark if the paint flakes off. You can get it from model engineering suppliers or a gunsmiths suppliers.


            That doesn't work on nickel so like Johnson says you'd have to remove the plating. Not sure you'd get a very good finish then.
            Actually you could try Japanning them.
            The Welshies invented this process in Pontypool, South Wales.
            sigpic Dyed in the wool


            • #7
              Originally posted by Spence View Post
              Actually you could try Japanning them.
              The Welshies invented this process in Pontypool, South Wales.
              Wonder why they didn't call it "Welshing"?
              It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



              • #8
                jeesh... just "google" black pole screws....

                oops abort abort!


                • #9
                  Yeah right, google... Maybe I'll get som more interesting hits with th search phrase "black pole screw" if I turn of the family filter...

                  OT again; I have a pretty extensive list of recources for pickup parts and I even tried google. The recources that turns up ar the same I have today and none, apart from GJ, lists black pole screws. no one have a suplier of black screws?


                  • #10
                    I'll check wiv me plater next door this arternoon Peter as I'm sure he doe's black chrome and I could get a few sent over to you.
                    Meanwhile SPENCER. awright for you dahn in posh Wales wiv yer mountins and yer valleys, but we aint got that here in flat, bleak essix. We only got football players and hors. one of my ex wives was from essix but I,m not sure what team she played for. Fing is we drop our aitches, as in "gowin up town to shop at Arrods" or What you after mate"---- "I'll be avin a cup of tea fanks"
                    So it's JONSON and not JOHNSON sunbeam as i'm only a small Dick and aint like you posh stuck up ones down there.


                    • #11
                      Wow, if you would do that I would be you sheep...wait... that was Spence

                      Seriously, I would really apretiate it that was possible. I need a really small amount right now (12 pieces), but I'm willing to stock up a bit, no huge amounts but something like 100-200 pieces depending on the price is possible.


                      • #12
                        The tank is still full and the anodes are ok but not been run for a while Peter but Bob said no probs. I'll get your immediate needs run next week and post out to you.( PM me your address) and will get quote for quantity. A few never costs me more than a drink so will check his price to do 100 plus batch.


                        • #13
                          Thanks man. I really apretiate your help. I'll PM you.


                          • #14
                            Not exactly what you're after ....but might give others who seek similar some leads, I've found that mild steel self colour 'socket button head' machine screws work well....they have a great 1963 gibson les paul tone (reminscent of early summer '63, cherry sunburst variant) - just kiddin!

                            They're easier to source in metric (which isn't an issue for me as I make my own bobbins & therefore can drill the bobbin hole etc to be any size).

                            Mine here are just M3 & 6mm long, but they obviously come in larger sizer/ lengths...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jonson View Post
                              I'll check wiv me plater next door this arternoon Peter as I'm sure he doe's black chrome and I could get a few sent over to you.
                              Meanwhile SPENCER. awright for you dahn in posh Wales wiv yer mountins and yer valleys, but we aint got that here in flat, bleak essix. We only got football players and hors. one of my ex wives was from essix but I,m not sure what team she played for. Fing is we drop our aitches, as in "gowin up town to shop at Arrods" or What you after mate"---- "I'll be avin a cup of tea fanks"
                              So it's JONSON and not JOHNSON sunbeam as i'm only a small Dick and aint like you posh stuck up ones down there.
                              Soft Southern Twat! I just got mixed up between you droppin' yer 'aitches and droppin' yer pants when you's lot get in the back of a car.
                              sigpic Dyed in the wool

