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Near philly or dont mind phone calls? I greatly want to learn how to wind pickups

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  • Near philly or dont mind phone calls? I greatly want to learn how to wind pickups

    I am a 26 year old guitarist who dabbles in amps and effects. I was about to buy a winder from stew mac, but I figure it would be cool to learn from someone who knows the ropes first, as the research I have done is not informing me all the way.

    I was going to buy the lollar book, but my funds are minimal as is- especially if I am to buy a winder, but figured I would try here to see if anyone wanted to help a poor kid out?

  • #2
    If money's tight, I'd suggest browsing the Tools and Coil Winding Gear forum. At minimum, you have to know how to:
    Construct a box
    fit a shaft with bearings to the box
    attach a faceflate on one end of the shaft
    attach a pulley to the other end of the shaft
    mount a cheap electric motor to drive the pulley

    If you feel you need a counter, you can go cheap with a bike odometer - that refit cost me all of $15

    A wire guide can be as simple as a smooth drawer pull with drilled out guitar picks used as end stops.

    I wouldn't expect many private phone numbers to be offered up here...


    • #3
      This forum has pretty much everything you need to get started. If you have questions, do a search first because the chances are the topic has already been discussed. If you can't find info on a topic, create a thread. There are many knowledgeable folks that are more than willing to help.


      • #4
        I made my winder with an electric drill and a calculator. As far as how humbucker are wound and wired together; I found this link very helpful
        Guitar Wiring Site - Humbucker Construction

