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Ultraperm sheet for sale

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  • #16
    Hmmm. The material would make for an interesting way to really thin out a pickup aperture - or widen it, depending on the material's orientation. I'm no magnet expert (duh...) but given how magnetic flux lines are oriented from a standard (say PAF) humbucker, this could very well lead to interested effect if you were to "pincer" the pickup aperture to a much narrower. I thinking too much in advance if I'm thinking "somebody ought to make a toaster cover out of this"?
    Pickup prototype checklist: [x] FR4 [x] Cu AWG 42 [x] Neo magnets [x] Willpower [ ] Time - Winding suspended due to exams.

    Originally posted by David Schwab
    Then you have neos... which is a fuzzy bunny wrapped in barbed wire.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Stealth View Post
      Hmmm. The material would make for an interesting way to really thin out a pickup aperture - or widen it, depending on the material's orientation. I'm no magnet expert (duh...) but given how magnetic flux lines are oriented from a standard (say PAF) humbucker, this could very well lead to interested effect if you were to "pincer" the pickup aperture to a much narrower.
      I don't know that a sheet of ultraperm would work any better than a sheet of silicon steel in terms of aperture, but some quality time in the lab will tell. One thing to be aware of is that ultraperm has a very high permeability, and so is easily saturated. Be stingy with the magnets.

