wobbling disk
I picture the setup as a rotating disk where part of the disk passes between two powerful magnets, one on each side of the disk. The magnetic field points through the disk, that is, parallel to the axis of rotation. Suppose we draw a loop on the face of the disk, not one that passes around the axis but a smaller confined to one side. As the disk rotates and the loop approaches the magnets, the amount of magnetic flux passing through the loop increases, and there is a voltage around the loop. A current results and heating occurs from losses in the conductor. As the loop rotates out of the magnetic field, the flux decreases and a current is induced in the other direction, also causing heating. We can draw lots of loops, and so the whole problem is quite complicated, but this is the basic idea.
If we alter the axis of rotation so that it is no longer parallel to the field, the amount of flux passing through the loop goes down because it intercepts fewer field lines. Thus the current and the heating decrease. A wobbling disk is on average not parallel with the field, and so it is heated less than a non-wobbling disk that has its axis perfectly parallel to the field.
There are some other complicating factors for sure; again, just the basic idea.
I picture the setup as a rotating disk where part of the disk passes between two powerful magnets, one on each side of the disk. The magnetic field points through the disk, that is, parallel to the axis of rotation. Suppose we draw a loop on the face of the disk, not one that passes around the axis but a smaller confined to one side. As the disk rotates and the loop approaches the magnets, the amount of magnetic flux passing through the loop increases, and there is a voltage around the loop. A current results and heating occurs from losses in the conductor. As the loop rotates out of the magnetic field, the flux decreases and a current is induced in the other direction, also causing heating. We can draw lots of loops, and so the whole problem is quite complicated, but this is the basic idea.
If we alter the axis of rotation so that it is no longer parallel to the field, the amount of flux passing through the loop goes down because it intercepts fewer field lines. Thus the current and the heating decrease. A wobbling disk is on average not parallel with the field, and so it is heated less than a non-wobbling disk that has its axis perfectly parallel to the field.
There are some other complicating factors for sure; again, just the basic idea.