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Stop naming pickups after famous players

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  • Stop naming pickups after famous players

    A-hole mode /on

    Why? What purpose does it serve? Unless you've designed said pickup for said player and said player uses said pickup, how can you possibly call a pickup the whoever bucker?
    Unless you made the pickup for that person, chances are, you're not even close
    Develop your own name. Don't rely on the name of other famous people to drive up sales because some player some where wants to sound like some other person. Because they won't, and no amount of naming and pickup after someone will ever get them to sound like them.

    I'm sorely disappointed on the morals of some people in this community.

    And if you keep it up, I'll have to release the Holy Trinity. The DuanePageClaptonBucker. The one gar-an-teed to make you sound like all three, no matter what gear you're playing, or your abilities.

  • #2
    Thanks you Wolfe!!!!


    • #3
      Wolfe you've just got to go with the flow man. Lucky for me, I was the first to market a Lil Wayne set. Can't keep up with demand!
      sigpic Dyed in the wool


      • #4
        It to bad you feel that way I was just getting ready to market my "Mr Potato Head" bass bustin, ball smashing pickup.


        • #5
          Hmm not a bad idea. Maybe name them after people that will never be famous! Hmm I can see it now... The WolfeMcloud-a-tron.

          OH SNAP! :>


          • #6
            My point here, Bel, is that unless you have an agreement, such as an endorsement, with that famous person and that person uses those pickups, people simply do not have the right Legally. And morally, it's i]wrong to pretend that you do.

            People need to stop trying to pull the wool over customer's eyes and pretending to have an intimate association with that person, thier tone, or thier gear.


            • #7
              \dual post


              • #8
                I'm pretty sure there are some 'buckers out there that invoke likenesses of P.A.F. players, and then read 11k and 14k, etc. and suggest "trust me, this is the sound" and "don't pay attention to the specs" etc. That seems a bit off to me as well. On the other hand, when I talk about some of our tube pedals I'll say things like "this one is more of a Robert Cray, Buddy Guy, SRV thing while this other one is more of a Santana, Clapton, Classic Rock thing, etc. But we don't name them "The Essarvee" or "I'm not your buddy, guy"

                Just for clarification sake, though, the "Alnico II Pro-Slash" is okay, right?


                • #9
                  Does this mean my first Ric type singlecoil shouldn't be called a Ged-o-Squire hot?


                  • #10
                    Not trying to be a jerk Wolfe but how do you square this philosophy with a name like Marshallhead?
                    They don't make them like they used to... We do.
                    Vintage PAF Pickups Website


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by frankfalbo View Post
                      Just for clarification sake, though, the "Alnico II Pro-Slash" is okay, right?
                      By all means!
                      It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by JGundry View Post
                        Not trying to be a jerk Wolfe but how do you square this philosophy with a name like Marshallhead?
                        Simple. Marshallhead is Scott Johnson. He's a member of several forums. As Marshallhead. And he's well known. "Marshallhead" was th eperson who requested the original spec'ed pickup that became the Marshallhead. Same thing goes for my Caretaker.... WCR's Goodwood, Herc, and a couple others.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by WolfeMacleod View Post
                          Simple. Marshallhead is Scott Johnson. He's a member of several forums. As Marshallhead. And he's well known. "Marshallhead" was th eperson who requested the original spec'ed pickup that became the Marshallhead. Same thing goes for my Caretaker.... WCR's Goodwood, Herc, and a couple others.
                          I get it.
                          They don't make them like they used to... We do.
                          Vintage PAF Pickups Website


                          • #14
                            I have one called the Duanebucker intended for a big fat slide tone, but it doesn't say Duane who. Besides, the best known guitar Duane being dead for almost 40 years, I doubt I'm conning anyone into seriously thinking I know him. (Or if I do, I have powers way beyond mere winding.) If you're not using both a first and last name, I don't see any problem with it.


                            • #15
                              I'm going to start my new line of pickup maker buckers.

                              1. MacloudBucker
                              2. SpenceBucker
                              3. GundryBucker
                              4. GeezerBucker (Dave Stephens)
                              5. BelwarBucker
                              6. LollarBucker
                              7. ZhangBucker II
                              8. SchwabyBucker
                              9. WadeBucker
                              10. WCRBucker

                              That way I capture the tones of the tones of the makers. Is that a great marketing idea or what.
                              Last edited by kevinT; 06-12-2010, 03:31 PM.

