A-hole mode /on 
Why? What purpose does it serve? Unless you've designed said pickup for said player and said player uses said pickup, how can you possibly call a pickup the whoever bucker?
Unless you made the pickup for that person, chances are, you're not even close
Develop your own name. Don't rely on the name of other famous people to drive up sales because some player some where wants to sound like some other person. Because they won't, and no amount of naming and pickup after someone will ever get them to sound like them.
I'm sorely disappointed on the morals of some people in this community.
And if you keep it up, I'll have to release the Holy Trinity. The DuanePageClaptonBucker. The one gar-an-teed to make you sound like all three, no matter what gear you're playing, or your abilities.

Why? What purpose does it serve? Unless you've designed said pickup for said player and said player uses said pickup, how can you possibly call a pickup the whoever bucker?
Unless you made the pickup for that person, chances are, you're not even close
Develop your own name. Don't rely on the name of other famous people to drive up sales because some player some where wants to sound like some other person. Because they won't, and no amount of naming and pickup after someone will ever get them to sound like them.
I'm sorely disappointed on the morals of some people in this community.

And if you keep it up, I'll have to release the Holy Trinity. The DuanePageClaptonBucker. The one gar-an-teed to make you sound like all three, no matter what gear you're playing, or your abilities.
