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Intro to pickup making.

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  • Intro to pickup making.

    Hey everyone, I found this forum by reference on the lollar blog.

    I know that you have a FAQ page on this forum, but I was looking for more of a recommendation.

    I recently rerouted my guitar for P-90s instead of humbuckers. I bought some Epiphone Casino pickups with the intention of replacing them as soon as I could afford the ones I wanted. I also refinished the guitar and put in all new electronics and tuners. Now, I've decided that I want to make the pickups myself. Also, I'd like to eventually build my own practice amp - but that's another thing altogether.

    I know virtually nothing about how to do any of this. I came here hoping that you could point me in the right direction for a beginner. If I'm any good at it, I'd like to make pickups for all of my guitars and my bass.

    I thought about buying the Basic Pickup Winding book from Lollar. Is it worth the money? Is there a more extensive book? I know the internet probably has a vast expanse of knowledge of everything in the book. I'm sure I'll use the internet a lot, but I like having that tangible reference.


  • #2
    I would start on the stewmac pickup kit page.
    There are detailed instructions on how to make each type of pickup.
    STEWMAC.COM : P-90 Pickup Kits
    I would start by reading and researching all of their resources before I got into any detailed questions.
    Good luck,
    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


    • #3
      duh! where do you think stew mac got the three piece fiberboard P-90 pickup design from with the eyelets- it was from me out of my book. too funny
      of course alot of people will slam my book but thats how it goes


      • #4
        Jason, I think I have your 1st or 2nd edition. I bought it around 1998. I was doing only rewinds at the time and when I bought your book I thought it was the greatest thing since sliced bread, and still do.
        Bill Megela

        Electric City Pickups


        • #5
          I also purchased Jason's book, 2nd edition, and have read through it a few times already. I have repaired a number of pickups so far, and am building up to my first rewind. I would highly recommend it (the book of course).



          • #6
            I think I might start by rewinding the P-90s I have. I read somewhere that the pole piece spacing on my pickups is different than other P-90s, but they fit my guitar's string spacing perfectly. I'm just going to rewind them and maybe overwind them a bit.

            I'm pretty sure I'm getting the book.

