FunkyKikuchiyo said "Electricity is the passing of electrons from atom to atom."
Actually, no. Electrons have mass and can't go the speed of light. Electricity is a force that propigates at local C and, by Faradays law, causes charged particles to move. In solids, protons are usually locked into a crystal structure and don't move, but electrons are mobile in metals. EMF propigates with out moving electrons, thats what a radio wave or field is.
Actually, no. Electrons have mass and can't go the speed of light. Electricity is a force that propigates at local C and, by Faradays law, causes charged particles to move. In solids, protons are usually locked into a crystal structure and don't move, but electrons are mobile in metals. EMF propigates with out moving electrons, thats what a radio wave or field is.