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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
It depends on which fender vintage sound you are looking for. Pre 1964 fender used Formvar. In 1964 fender switched over to PE which is the other vintage sound.
Formvar makes a much bigger coil. It tends to sound brighter and smoother than PE.
No, not at all. Two totally different coatings. Different sounds. For the really old vintage strat sound, you will have to get HF. You can't go around it. Double build pe is really something. Its clear, brite, and quite nice to work with. Sturdy as hell too.
Like stated. It really depends on what tones your after. For that 50's twang, you nearly always win with HF. The MAx nom pe has a nice crack to it, and good vintage tones too, but you really can't compare the 2. If your after the 60's tones, you may want to go with the pe. Confused yet?LOL
I'm sure someone else will chime in.......
You know, you may want to try the place in Oregon. It has been mentioned befor. I think ther emay be a minumum though. Its here somewhere.....Sorry man, I forgot the name.