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  • noob

    Hello, great forum

    I'm starting - putting together a winder with a chinese pedometer and a reed switch

    1) for only the top coil of Dimarzio area 61 stack (eq B/M/T is 4/4/8,5) which awg to go for? Full dc is 6,43

    2) If that works out I'd try the Virtual solo in the bridge as well (5,5/7,5/6,5). Full dc 11kohm, but the top coil is around 8,5k. It's probably a thinner wire, is it?

    the lower coils in these pickups measure low dc and have small sound influence (except for the hum bucking), so I'd leave them as they are

    3) Is there much point in hand winding / scatter winding if one goes for the sam number of turns with the same wire on the same bobbin?

  • #2
    Originally posted by ludkokanta View Post
    Hello, great forum

    I'm starting - putting together a winder with a chinese pedometer and a reed switch

    1) for only the top coil of Dimarzio area 61 stack (eq B/M/T is 4/4/8,5) which awg to go for? Full dc is 6,43

    2) If that works out I'd try the Virtual solo in the bridge as well (5,5/7,5/6,5). Full dc 11kohm, but the top coil is around 8,5k. It's probably a thinner wire, is it?

    the lower coils in these pickups measure low dc and have small sound influence (except for the hum bucking), so I'd leave them as they are

    3) Is there much point in hand winding / scatter winding if one goes for the sam number of turns with the same wire on the same bobbin?
    Don't really understand the questions and intent?
    You say your leaving the bottom coil the same and you want to change the top coil, but talked about putting them back the same? So are you trying to change the tone, the Highs, Lows, Mids, or make the Pickup Hotter, what is dissatisfaction with stock and what are you trying to change?
    Please give us a clearer plan of what you are trying to accomplish?
    "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill


    • #3
      Well, some pickup winders make claims that rewinding just by itself gives the sound a "new dimension".

      Same pickup, wire and number of turns, so the difference would be only that the new pickup is handwound, and before it was a production model, done with a machine.

      I'd like to try and compare machine/hand with everything else the same with a pickup I'm familiar with. Maybe make a few clips.

      So, do I get the 42 awg for the Dimarzio, and will I be able to tell the difference in wire thickness if I just buy the 42 and get it wrong?

      Not a native english speaker, so sorry if I write some nonsense


      • #4
        Welcome to the forum
        You need a micrometer for measuring wire thickness
        I'm not sure if they can get enough 42 gauge wire on a stack design .
        Are the coils roughly the same size ?
        I'm guessing its 43 gauge & probably even 44 on a hotter version of that design
        But why experiment with the Dimarzio's -& risk recking a perfectly good pup
        I would rewind some cheap strat pickups or something
        "UP here in the Canada we shoot things we don't understand"


        • #5
          I agree with Copper.
          Than seems like a hard starting place, if your just wanting to jump in get the feet wet, and start winding.
          I started with Humbuckers. Kits actually.
          Then I started buying loose parts and deviating and making my own formulas.
          I made several Mini Humbuckers.
          Then I branched out to single coils.
          Strat and Tele Pickups.
          Your kind of restricted to what guitars you have to put them in.
          I try to stay with whatever type came in that pickup route.
          With Strats, I stuck with Non Hum canceling Single Coils.
          I like the Fender sound and a little Hum IMO is expected with that type guitar.
          I have several humbucker guitars, so I never saw the need to make a strat other than Fender type single coils.
          That's all strictly IMO.
          So with all that said.
          How can we help, and what is the plan of attack.
          Rock On!
          "If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill

