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Anyone dealt with this Korean Supplier?

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  • Anyone dealt with this Korean Supplier?

    Sanhe & Paxhpil just don't answer their emails (which frankly is getting on my tits) I'm after some PC-002 pickup covers, so I hit google, and found this place...


    ....they seem responsive to emails & their prices appear to similar to Sanhe - they take Paypal too. (I made an enquiry about a particular bobbin that wasbn'tlisted....they can get it ....being quoted 35c per bobbin for 300pcs)

    Has anyone had any dealings with them?

  • #2
    I've bought a couple of hundreds of bobbins, some covers and stuff from them. At that time their responce were quite slow, like they used the first mail as a filter to see if you came back a second time and after that they responded quite fast. Maybe the guy that speaks English only comes in once every second week. Minimum order are 100 units, but you can mix from different types.


    • #3
      Thanks Peter,

      Well perhaps they've upped the MOQ...cos he's now saying 300pcs (& I need both white & back) ...but still, that's not too bad.

      Heartening to know at least someone here has dealt with them previously!

      (btw; do folks actually get replies from Sanhe & Paxphil? (I've all but given up on them)


      • #4
        I walked onto the Paxphil stand at Frankfurt 2 yers ago Rob and was met by a stern looking middle aged Rep. Told him I would like to talk about their products and sales and he said send me an e-mail and walked away. Never did even though I was in the market for a lot of their bits but their sales method blew me. Speak as soon as I can get some time Bro.


        • #5
          Originally posted by peskywinnets View Post
          (btw; do folks actually get replies from Sanhe & Paxphil? (I've all but given up on them)
          I'm about to try Sanhe. I had bought some parts from G&B Pickups last year, but now I don't get a reply from them. All these places seem to have the same parts.

          Maybe I'll try this ABBQ.
          Last edited by David Schwab; 04-16-2011, 04:46 AM.
          It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


          • #6
            Well if you do, the helfpul guy I'm dealing with there is called Eric....he's got very good English responds in a timely manner.


            • #7
              They are not the manufacturer - Just a resaler.

              The Manufacturer is Daeil Chemical in Korea. Deal direct with Daeil. You'll communicate with Benny. He's great.


              • #8
                Originally posted by belwar View Post
                They are not the manufacturer - Just a resaler.

                The Manufacturer is Daeil Chemical in Korea. Deal direct with Daeil. You'll communicate with Benny. He's great.
                Yeah...I know about the manafacturer...problem is...they didn't respond either (seems to be a theme here!) it goes, I'm not ordering in 1000s (just hundreds at this stage)...therefore a reseller is likely to be a better route.

                btw if anyone has a source for chrome Fender height adjuster screws (plus, either the associated cone spring - or tubing)...I'm all ears .....the MOQ for the screws of 5,000 is a little more than I need.


                • #9

                  they will do hundreds for you, but you have to pay by wire transfer


                  • #10
                    Just got a reply from, it was going so well (prices a 1/3rd of Sanhe etc), until this bit...

                    "The minimum order amount is $1,000".

                    I realise that as a manafacturer they don't want to be dicking about with little bitty orders (hence me thinking a reseller might be a beter option at the mo) - their pickup covers are about 10c each ....that's 10,000 pickup covers!


                    • #11
                      Just tell him you cant do that volume at this point in time and will he bend the rules. Tell him Matt Larrivee refered you to him. Try to give him at least a $600 order though. His cream color is not great so ask for the cream he made for Larrivee.


                      • #12
                        I e-mailed Sanhe recently and got a reply from Mr. Hou there with a price/ MOQ list for all the parts that I was interested in. Sanhe's MOQ's are not too bad, and Mr. Hou's English is fine. I haven't placed an order with them yet, but they seem perfectly helpful and ready to do business.

                        The only advice I can offer is to sign up as a member on the Sanhe site (I'd emailed them before joining- no reply) and once you've joined, browse through the stock pages -you have little choice as the subcategory menus don't work. Hit the "Collect" button for any items you want. Those items will then appear on your "Collect" page where you can view and edit them.

                        It seems to be much easier for Sanhe to email the price/MOQ details to you once they have that info, since they can also see what items are on your "Collect" page.

                        Hope this is helpful to somebody- I was certainly a bit (i.e. completely) baffled by the Sanhe site at first.


                        • #13
                          Got to say...this is 'trying' ...these bobbins suppliers don't have prices on their site ....nor a price list to send me, so I have to ask the price for each item.

                          Then when you ask about shipping cost they say it'll be charged at the time of order ....but if the shipping is $$$ they can poke their order!

                          So for a MOQ of 1,000 for pickup bobbins (or pickup covers). I'm having diffs visualizing how big that shipment might be (physical box size & weight) - can anyone help here? My dilemna is at 10c per bobbin, then even 1,000pcs only amounts to $100...therefore, to knock up a $600 order, I need 6 lots of 1,000 bobbins - just how big is that box gonna be?!!!! (sure the bobbins are cheap...but moving to a bigger house in order to store them isn't)

                          Has anyone recent examples of shipping costs for bobbin orders from the likes of Sanhe, Daeil etc.

                          Shipping costs are v important to making this viable - I recently imported some tools from Japan...the shipping cost made me projectile vomit....the wife's not happy, I doubt she'll ever get the marks of those curtains. I can't be paying for new curtains every time I buy bobbins. (I guess I could always open the invoice when my mother-in-law comes round for lunch...she always sits next to the curtains)


                          • #14

                            In Sanhe's case, MOQ is 200 pcs for covers and bobbins.

                            It helps if you sign up on their website and collect the items you want to get prices/MOQ for. You're not committing to buy, just helping Sanhe to compile a list for you from among the 20 billion or so (only a very slight exaggeration) items that they have listed on their site.

                            If you first do these things before e-mailing Mr. Hou, I believe you'll get a better response from him. Be sure to specify your member ID so he can send you an Excel doc listing unit prices and MOQ's for the items displayed on your 'Collect' page.

                            I haven't ordered from Sanhe as yet, so I can't give you any idea of freight costs- and since I'm on the other side of the planet, that'd be of little use to you anyway. However, Mr. Hou indicated to me that they'll surface ship, no problem. He also didn't specify a total min. order cost, so it seems that Sanhe go by MOQ alone.

                            Benny from Daeil is helpful and generally good to deal with, but Daeil's MOQ's are higher -around 6-700 pcs for most PU parts, IIRC. (Benny also insisted on shipping my order via EMS... sure, the parts arrived quickly- but not before the shipping cost had sent my normally calm and sweet-natured wife totally ballistic).



                            • #15
                              I ordered 400 pickup covers from D&B in Korea last year. The shipping to NJ wasn't too bad. They also used EMS. The thing is don't order a small quantity, and then the shipping wont seem so bad. Same was true when I ordered magnets from Sensmag in China.
                              It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


