I will share one. It was the mid 90's and I was working in a store in Windham Maine. We were the vintage shop of the region, so catered to that crowd. Aftermarket pickup sales were really going up and new products were hitting the market all the time. The Fender Custom Shop line of aftermarket pickups was new, Rio Grande's were catching on, and Lindy Fralin's were really popular. I was wiring up at the least one guitar a day.
This guy Marty would come in. He thought very highly of himself. He was from elsewhere and commented one time being in Maine he was a "Big fish in a small pond". He was one of those guys that spent more time chasing tone than practicing. He went on a pickup rampage. He went through almost everything we had. Every 2 weeks I was putting something else in his Strat. One day he comes in near closing. I recently installed Texas Specials in his guitar and he didn't like them. "They are too over the top for my taste. I want something that allows my Strat to speak with more of its natural voice." He plops down a set of Fender CS54's..the first set I believe I ever saw in person. I tell him it is late, but it should be done by lunch the next day.
I set the area up, laid out the new pickups and prepped the Texas Special box to accept the old ones, had people come in and couldn't get it done. I left it on the bench so the owner could take care of it the next day as I was off. The owner Chris calls me the next day "Marty paid for the pickup swap you did, so remind me to pay you." Chris thought I did the swap and the CS54's were the removed Texas Specials. I explained the deal and Chris said I would have to tell Marty to bring it all back so I could do the swap. Some time had passed, but Marty came back and I said "Marty, about those CS54's" he then proceeded to gush at how magical these pickups were. His "search was over", they were articulate, woody, and all the other catch phrases used about pickups. I did not have the heart to tell him what happened. Naturally he was back later with more swapping, so I too care of him so it evened out.
This guy Marty would come in. He thought very highly of himself. He was from elsewhere and commented one time being in Maine he was a "Big fish in a small pond". He was one of those guys that spent more time chasing tone than practicing. He went on a pickup rampage. He went through almost everything we had. Every 2 weeks I was putting something else in his Strat. One day he comes in near closing. I recently installed Texas Specials in his guitar and he didn't like them. "They are too over the top for my taste. I want something that allows my Strat to speak with more of its natural voice." He plops down a set of Fender CS54's..the first set I believe I ever saw in person. I tell him it is late, but it should be done by lunch the next day.
I set the area up, laid out the new pickups and prepped the Texas Special box to accept the old ones, had people come in and couldn't get it done. I left it on the bench so the owner could take care of it the next day as I was off. The owner Chris calls me the next day "Marty paid for the pickup swap you did, so remind me to pay you." Chris thought I did the swap and the CS54's were the removed Texas Specials. I explained the deal and Chris said I would have to tell Marty to bring it all back so I could do the swap. Some time had passed, but Marty came back and I said "Marty, about those CS54's" he then proceeded to gush at how magical these pickups were. His "search was over", they were articulate, woody, and all the other catch phrases used about pickups. I did not have the heart to tell him what happened. Naturally he was back later with more swapping, so I too care of him so it evened out.