excuse me for my english 
some days ago copperheadroads pm me (excuse me for late in reply i'm very busy these days) to say that my controller is not enough accurate about tpl selecting....
he reports that he can not have small increments in tpl selecting when he use high tpl....
this is because my controller has 0.01mm increments in traverse pitch selecting (but i doubt we have mechanics that can have this precision without ballscrew ).....
for example if you have 6mm bobbin height you will have
600 tpl @ 0.01 pitch
300 tpl @ 0.02 pitch
200 tpl @ 0.03 pitch
150 tpl @ 0.04 pitch
120tpl @ 0.05 pitch
100 tpl @ 0.06 pitch
85 tpl @ 0.07 pitch
75 tpl @ 0.08 pitch
66 tpl @ 0.09 pitch
60 tpl @ 0.10 pitch
54 tpl @ 0.11 pitch
50 tpl @ 0.12 pitch
46 tpl @ 0.13 pitch
43 tpl @ 0.14 pitch
40 tpl @ 0.15 pitch
37 tpl @ 0.16 pitch
35 tpl @ 0.17 pitch
33 tpl @ 0.18 pitch
31 tpl @ 0.19 pitch
30 tpl @ 0.20 pitch
28 tpl @ 0.21 pitch
27 tpl @ 0.22 pitch and so on.....
then + or - 1 tpl increments from here
Copperheadroads you have very high increments in tpl because you use 130 tpl for humbucker bobbin....
but if we use awg 42 we can not make 130 tpl in humbucker bobbin unless overlap wire in each layer (awg 42 is about 0.07 mm * 130 tpl = 9 mm bobbin height .... but a humbucker bobbin is about 6mm).....
i post this in the forum to ask everyone if is it common practice to use high tpl with overlapped wire in each layer

some days ago copperheadroads pm me (excuse me for late in reply i'm very busy these days) to say that my controller is not enough accurate about tpl selecting....
he reports that he can not have small increments in tpl selecting when he use high tpl....
this is because my controller has 0.01mm increments in traverse pitch selecting (but i doubt we have mechanics that can have this precision without ballscrew ).....
for example if you have 6mm bobbin height you will have
600 tpl @ 0.01 pitch
300 tpl @ 0.02 pitch
200 tpl @ 0.03 pitch
150 tpl @ 0.04 pitch
120tpl @ 0.05 pitch
100 tpl @ 0.06 pitch
85 tpl @ 0.07 pitch
75 tpl @ 0.08 pitch
66 tpl @ 0.09 pitch
60 tpl @ 0.10 pitch
54 tpl @ 0.11 pitch
50 tpl @ 0.12 pitch
46 tpl @ 0.13 pitch
43 tpl @ 0.14 pitch
40 tpl @ 0.15 pitch
37 tpl @ 0.16 pitch
35 tpl @ 0.17 pitch
33 tpl @ 0.18 pitch
31 tpl @ 0.19 pitch
30 tpl @ 0.20 pitch
28 tpl @ 0.21 pitch
27 tpl @ 0.22 pitch and so on.....
then + or - 1 tpl increments from here
Copperheadroads you have very high increments in tpl because you use 130 tpl for humbucker bobbin....
but if we use awg 42 we can not make 130 tpl in humbucker bobbin unless overlap wire in each layer (awg 42 is about 0.07 mm * 130 tpl = 9 mm bobbin height .... but a humbucker bobbin is about 6mm).....
i post this in the forum to ask everyone if is it common practice to use high tpl with overlapped wire in each layer