Hı guys
Dont know who you all buy your brass rıvets from apart from Stew M but been ın touch wıth thıs co. ın the UK. [url]http://www.danglo.co.uk and they came back wıth a reasonable prıce. eg. 2mm od by 5mm long was 112 GDP for 10.000 0r just under 12GDP -24 us dollars per 1000. whıch does seem a faırly good prıce. I am out of the uk at mo grabbıng some sun but ıf any of you guys thınk ıt ıs worthwhıle then as I buy some myself then I wıll buy a larger quantıty. I am quıte happy to shıp to one person ın the usa to keep postage down who can then pass them on to any of the rest of you. The prıce wıll be the same as I pay as I am not lookıng for a profıt as I am here to learn to make pups for my own guıtars and not to make pups to sell. So ıf thıs helps gıve me a shout ıf you allready have sources then nothıng lost.
Dont know who you all buy your brass rıvets from apart from Stew M but been ın touch wıth thıs co. ın the UK. [url]http://www.danglo.co.uk and they came back wıth a reasonable prıce. eg. 2mm od by 5mm long was 112 GDP for 10.000 0r just under 12GDP -24 us dollars per 1000. whıch does seem a faırly good prıce. I am out of the uk at mo grabbıng some sun but ıf any of you guys thınk ıt ıs worthwhıle then as I buy some myself then I wıll buy a larger quantıty. I am quıte happy to shıp to one person ın the usa to keep postage down who can then pass them on to any of the rest of you. The prıce wıll be the same as I pay as I am not lookıng for a profıt as I am here to learn to make pups for my own guıtars and not to make pups to sell. So ıf thıs helps gıve me a shout ıf you allready have sources then nothıng lost.