That folding foil around the wire is a genius idea, gonna have to start doing that. When i'm trying to get a reading with these pointy stabby things, it puts a mean bend in the wire from the pressure it takes to get a reading, which is probably why my first coil had a break in it somewhere.
I don't have a butane torch atm, wonder if my Bic Lighter will work for stripping the wire, another awesome idea.
My cheapo Radio shack multimeter only has the pointy stabby things, and they are permanently attached it seems, so no clips for now.
Thanks for the info.
I don't have a butane torch atm, wonder if my Bic Lighter will work for stripping the wire, another awesome idea.
My cheapo Radio shack multimeter only has the pointy stabby things, and they are permanently attached it seems, so no clips for now.
Thanks for the info.