New Month We are at $74.35 this month in Donations.Please consider making a donation. :)
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Damn, I wish I was at the jam to hear the A3 Strat set. I like A3 pickups! I'm in the Philippines for a week tho. (Hola Ruel!) Looking fun so far but no guitars to play....grrrr.
True that!!! Used to shoot bottlerockets at eachother from a distance---Thats too fun. Kinda like paintball- with delay! Ah...The shit I used to do!! Thinking back, It was stupid...but fun. Mostly buy for the kids....gotta watch them closer nowadays in fear of a little Nightwinder acting out!! Bought him some sparklers a few yrs ago...but he whiped out his little buckblade and scraped the spaklers burning a big black line down the I took his blade away...In retaliation he threw the sparklers on the ground and told me they "SUX"??