So I've been winding pickups for awhile now. I'm in Minneapolis. The weather and temperature is all over the place. I mention this because it's the only thing I can think that's attributing to these maddening aberrations.
I wind a coil to 5400 turns of 42 single poly. Same wire I've been using for years. Same technique. Same speed. Same tension. Same relative tpl (I hand wind so tension and tpl are unknown but my technique hasn't changed any).
So 5400 turns regularly nets me 4.20 resistance for a humbuckering total of 8.4. I mean regularly. Like this is my go to wind.
The last 4 I've done came out as they should but then resistance has dropped on all of them to 8.13, 8.0, etc., all under 8.20.
Anyone care to suggest what might be happening? I'm so frustrated by it I'm not thinking straight.
I wind a coil to 5400 turns of 42 single poly. Same wire I've been using for years. Same technique. Same speed. Same tension. Same relative tpl (I hand wind so tension and tpl are unknown but my technique hasn't changed any).
So 5400 turns regularly nets me 4.20 resistance for a humbuckering total of 8.4. I mean regularly. Like this is my go to wind.
The last 4 I've done came out as they should but then resistance has dropped on all of them to 8.13, 8.0, etc., all under 8.20.
Anyone care to suggest what might be happening? I'm so frustrated by it I'm not thinking straight.