I builded a testguitar where I can test any pickupcombination possible with 12 coils, with any volumpot (25, 250, 500, 1m), 12 different tonecap, different resistance in tone, 12 different cap in highpassfilter, resistance in series and parallell, and pickups can be mounted anywhere between neck and bridge, and have access to modify anything easily if needed. A very usefull tool.
Any test with strings and try to have them vibrate without picking the strings, like e-bow, have not told me anything about different pickups. We have done some measurment, but I donīt even think about doing it more because it really doesnīt work. And I donīt believe setup with computer either. For now we have needed to pick the string to get the high freq to be able to estimate anything. So I donīt believe in a setup with regular stringvibration...
Any test with strings and try to have them vibrate without picking the strings, like e-bow, have not told me anything about different pickups. We have done some measurment, but I donīt even think about doing it more because it really doesnīt work. And I donīt believe setup with computer either. For now we have needed to pick the string to get the high freq to be able to estimate anything. So I donīt believe in a setup with regular stringvibration...