Hello everybody! This is such a basic question, but I know practically nothing about electronics, and I would be sincerely grateful to anybody here who is able to help me!
My question is this - is it possible to have the covers of a pair of humbuckers gold-plated without removing the covers from the pickups? Would the plating process damage the workings of the pickup? It would be simple enough to remove the covers, have them plated and then attach them again - but I just wondered whether it was possible to do it without removing and re-attaching the covers.
Many thanks to anyone who can help answer my "complete novice" question!
My question is this - is it possible to have the covers of a pair of humbuckers gold-plated without removing the covers from the pickups? Would the plating process damage the workings of the pickup? It would be simple enough to remove the covers, have them plated and then attach them again - but I just wondered whether it was possible to do it without removing and re-attaching the covers.
Many thanks to anyone who can help answer my "complete novice" question!
