I have a one-off, unconventional project for a good customer of mine; neck and bridge humbucker. Both pickups will be pretty full but the bridge will quite literally be as much wire the bobbin will accept.
I'm wondering, between all these readily available aftermarket bobbins out there, if anyone here has determined sameness between some of these outlets, or that one bobbin is a couple TPL's taller than another. To be clear I'm not referring to a bobbin that's intentionally differently sized. Fender has noticeably taller bobbins for example (the models with pins and standoffs) and that's not what I want to do. There are some oddball Asian factory dimensions as well, also not suitable. I'm looking for a bobbin being sold as a standard PAF dimension, but is on the large side of that. I'm not as concerned about bobbin material as I am real estate.
Also if any of you have some bobbins that you chose not to use because they were out of spec (on the high side) I can just buy those from you. Thanks everyone!
I'm wondering, between all these readily available aftermarket bobbins out there, if anyone here has determined sameness between some of these outlets, or that one bobbin is a couple TPL's taller than another. To be clear I'm not referring to a bobbin that's intentionally differently sized. Fender has noticeably taller bobbins for example (the models with pins and standoffs) and that's not what I want to do. There are some oddball Asian factory dimensions as well, also not suitable. I'm looking for a bobbin being sold as a standard PAF dimension, but is on the large side of that. I'm not as concerned about bobbin material as I am real estate.
Also if any of you have some bobbins that you chose not to use because they were out of spec (on the high side) I can just buy those from you. Thanks everyone!