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A Dummy's Questions About Dummy Coils

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  • A Dummy's Questions About Dummy Coils


    There are other solutions that work and haven't been patented (yet)
    Last edited by LeftyStrat; 10-25-2007, 03:22 AM.

  • #2
    Is part of this post missing or do I need a checkup?


    • #3
      yeah, let's keep this going. I'm curious about what is, and isn't patented. That and general input on dummy coils.


      • #4
        I assumed after no replies that maybe people thought it was a dead subject, so I joking edited the message, my bad.

        One of the things I was curious about, since most people agree that a dummy coil in series "dulls" the tone of single coils, is if you can compensate the dulling effect by increasing the resistance of the volume pot.

        My other idea was to not put the coil in series, but have it in-phase and run it down a stereo cable terminating in circuitry to subtract it from the normal signal.

        The patents I have seen are the Suhr patents for using a larger area with less windings, hence the Suhr BPSSC, composed of about $5 worth of parts and selling for almost $400. The only problem with it is it only works with strats.

        I've read a few others, but the ones I have seen involve onboard electronics.


        • #5
          Higher value pot is used quit a bit like in the fender noiseless pickups and it can add a little brightness although it doesn't make it sound like the dummy coil is not there. Pickups with a bad frequency response is like a bad microphone to me, it's just hard to do anything to recover the lost frequencies.

