Maybe someone can point me to a source for an M4 X .75 mm machine screw, about 35 mm in length. The closest a Google search got was a couple metric taps, but no screws It is, of course, from a 60's Japanese guitar.
Sure, I could tap the dang thing and hog whatever was close into the holes, but that just seems.....wrong. Plus, I'll probably want a few spare weirdo bolts for any future needs.
I've always believed that if you build a man a fire, you'll warm him the rest of the day. If you set a man on fire, you'll warm him the rest of his life!
Sure, I could tap the dang thing and hog whatever was close into the holes, but that just seems.....wrong. Plus, I'll probably want a few spare weirdo bolts for any future needs.
I've always believed that if you build a man a fire, you'll warm him the rest of the day. If you set a man on fire, you'll warm him the rest of his life!