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Rewinding Ideas - Stacked P90

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  • Rewinding Ideas - Stacked P90

    I'm from Brazil and that's my first post in here!

    I've been thinking about rewinding my telecaster's bridge P90 pickup. It lacks output and fatness. I thought about rewinding it as a stacked humbucker, could I do this just by splinting the bobin verticaly in two and the wind it as two individual single coils? Or I better just rewind it stronger, maybe with thinner wire?

    Would it work?

    Thank you everyone!

  • #2
    If this is the first pickup you are going to wind, going to stacked / split winding for a first go might not be the best option IMHO.

    Winding it with more turns and thiner wire will tend to bring up the output and round off the highs, this may be what you want (still, this is the bridge position, not the best regarding fatness indeed)

    On the other hand, sourcing parts for a new P90, winding it from scratch and comparing it to the one you have might be as well a good starting point.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Yves View Post
      If this is the first pickup you are going to wind, going to stacked / split winding for a first go might not be the best option IMHO.

      Winding it with more turns and thiner wire will tend to bring up the output and round off the highs, this may be what you want (still, this is the bridge position, not the best regarding fatness indeed)

      On the other hand, sourcing parts for a new P90, winding it from scratch and comparing it to the one you have might be as well a good starting point.

      Yes, I've been thinking about that, but where could I find a pickup's supplies store that sell abroad in small packages? I thoug about Stewart MacDonald, but I think it's pretty expensive!

      Thank you!


      • #4
        I agree with Yves

        I think you might find that most places cost more per part if you buy small amounts , maybe try guitar parts USA ?

        Have you tried moving the pickup closer to the strings ? or changing your tone cap or maybe a pot , dropping your pot value from 500k to 250k can sometimes help fatten up your tone..??



        • #5

          If it was me I would just rewind it with as much 42 gauge wire as it will take, these usually sound really good. Trying to do a stack of two coils on a single P90 bobbin is a bad idea, there's not much room and any kind of spacer will take up valuable coil space. Usually when people make humbucking P90s they stack two bobbins on top of eachother, but these often sound way to dull and dark.

          Stephens Design Pickups


          • #6

            It depends if you just want to change your tone (i.e. tweaking things (nearly) as they are like Mick suggest with caps and so on) or if you want to go into winding.

            For the later, you are to expect having some costs for this (and magnet wire in small quantities is not the least of these). Still, you may find in the FAQ different suppliers that would certainly ship even a small order. But StewMac doesn't sell P90 parts anyway


            • #7
              I really wanna go into winding, I love that kind of DIY stuff.
              I've build amps, effects and even a lap steel guitar, so I thing I can handle doing pickups!

              I'm probably gonna do as Possum said, rewind it with as much awg42 wire as I can!

              I think I'll use a sewing machine to do the job, and try to thind the wire somewhere near here!

              Thanks folks!

