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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
I saw the face of Jesus in the alnico 3 shot, did anyone notice that? Cool video..
I can't see anything but green blotches...
I even tried Firefox assuming something was up with Safari.
Dave, what version of OS X and Quicktime are you running?
Attached Files
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein
10.4.10 and 7.1.5 quicktime. I think you must have the Satan virus :-)
Yeah.. I thought I was watching an Atari game...
I'm on OS X 10.5.4 and Quicktime 7.5. Every other video on YouTube plays fine. Maybe it's the latest Flash player I installed...
It wont play right in Firefox either... must be something weird in the compression of the video.
The music plays back fine.
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein
Correction.... do NOT install the latest Flash plugin (10b)... that's the problem. None of the YouTube videos play right now, though most are better.
Now I have to figure out how to down grade Flash Player.. dammit.
OK went back to Flash Player 9... now I can see it! Cool vid Spence.
I didn't see Jesus Possum... that might have been Jim Morrison though...
Last edited by David Schwab; 07-05-2008, 08:10 PM.
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein