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Tonerider pickups..... any good?

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  • Tonerider pickups..... any good?

    i'm looking to put a p90 in the neck position of a homebuild project that has a zebra coil BKP 'stormy monday' humbucker at the bridge. i've read about these tonerider's on harmony central and they've had (a small number of) very positive reviews. thing is, these pickups are dirt cheap. can they really be any good for that money?

    anyone on here had any experience of them?


  • #2
    Andrew Cunningham the owner of Tonerider use to be a contributor on this forum. He used to sell pickup parts as well.

    Since his pickups cost a little less than some other boutique makers, you ought to try them and see if you like them...that really is the only way to find out. I've heard good things about them.
    Last edited by kevinT; 07-14-2008, 02:12 PM.


    • #3
      A friend of mine who normally uses my pickups has a pair (arrrrggghhhh ... traitor!!!!!! ). Anyway, he says they sound pretty good so they're probably worth a shot.

      I have two Tele sets from him - mistakenly sent to me instead of pickup parts. I offered to ship them to the proper destination, but he told me to keep them. Just gotta buy a Tele or two to try them in.


      • #4

        Andy put alot of thought into his products and did alot of testing before selling to the public, he is in Beijing I believe so I'd say give them a try, they are probably very good for the money...
        Stephens Design Pickups


        • #5
          I met Andrew in Shanghai, and have been wondering what happened to him. He seemed like he had his act together. I thought he was living in HongKong. This was a few years ago. He had something going with the real classy guitar builder there (starts with an F, can't remember the name)

          Andrew, you're not around on this board are you?



          • #6
            Tonerider pickups

            yeah, i've more or less convinced myself to pop one in, anyway. let's face it, for 25 quid sterling, i can afford to bin it if i don't like it. i just wondered if anyone had personal experience of them. sometimes it's just nice to have someone say, 'yeah they're great/ok' or 'no, they're lousy'... i suppose it's all fairly subjective at the end of the day....

            wth, i'm gonna get one and give it a spin!


            • #7

              just came to me... anyone else think 'wolftone' is a very unfortunate name for a brand of pickups...?


              • #8
                yeah I thought that at first but when you hear em, uhmmm, wooohooo.....


                • #9
                  Yah Wolfetone isn't maybe the best name due to the connotation, but Wolfe makes VERY good pickups, and he's a great guy and very knowledgeable and a straight shooter too. I've known him for about 12 years and have several pickups from him and have never had an issue and always get great tone with them.

                  On a side note, Wolfe has been very helpful in keeping this forum going where it was hosted before Ampage, and very helpful in sourcing parts. He does a lot of it behind the scenes so it escapes notice by the masses, but everyone should be thankful for his efforts.



                  • #10
                    Hey, I'll say thanks to Wolfe right now for bringing Montreux here!

                    And Wolfe, if you are reading this... what happened with the other parts, especially the rail pickups and Trisonics?
                    It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein


