Originally posted by RedHouse
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... dang you're high maintenance...

BTW, it's <3% at maximum amplitude (which is like 10 volts P-P) but very small sine waves (under 500mV) it is quite good, don't know the exact dist spec though.
This is probably a good time to explain why low distortion is needed.
Unlike most kinds of AC bridge, the Maxwell-Wein bridge's balance equations are independent of the test frequency, a great simplification. One could conclude that this means that the spectral purity of the test signal is therefore unimportant, as all frequencies (and thus harmonics of a distorted test signal) will come to balance at the same time. And in a perfect world this would be true. However, the inductance and capacitance of practical components varies with frequency, and in particular iron-cored inductors vary a lot even if there are no eddy currents. And in pickups there are almost always eddy currents.
The net effect of all this is that the fundamental and harmonics of an impure test signal will come to balance at different places, and this will smear the "null" out sufficiently to make finding balance difficult.
Withe a pure sinewave (low harmonic distortion), there is a single null, and no smearing.