Big Tee ... I don't know why I can't post pics .. my computer is a newer Windows 7 and I can post in all other forums .. but here, I can't. Thoughts???
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Pickup Photos!
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Originally posted by old guy View PostBig Tee ... I don't know why I can't post pics .. my computer is a newer Windows 7 and I can post in all other forums .. but here, I can't. Thoughts???
He is the administrator, and he may need to change something.
That is lower Case tboy"If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill
Here's a B-Stock Strat I bought for a right hand demo guitar.
I think I gave $60 for it.
I had it all together last fall, but I sold the pickups out of it and had to start over.
I just redid the Electronics, and put in the Pickups I made for it.
It has One of My high output Custom Blades, and Two of my 4/2 custom Single Coils in the Neck and Middle, with A2, and A5 Magnets.
42H, on the Neck, 42S, on the middle, and 44S, on the bridge Blade.
The Bridge Bucker is Dead Quiet! The Neck has Bell Ringing clear Notes.
It really Sounds Great!
**Please Show me your Guitar Pickup Pictures.Last edited by big_teee; 06-26-2013, 11:03 PM."If Hitler invaded Hell, I would make at least a favourable reference of the Devil in the House of Commons." Winston Churchill
I know it isn't a great picture of the pups but it is the first guitar I've built
for a local player with my pickups. (his choice)
7.1 HB with push-pull vol. coil split
7.6 Bridge
3-way switch
I finished the set-up a few days ago and have played it enough to know
it's good to go. He'll play it through his amp tomorrow so I'll see if I delivered.
A few pictures of some of my pickup creations in the "hobbyist" category.
This version built from scratch. The coil is bobbinless, like an air coil wound around an array of ceramic magnets, then tied off and wax potted.
Someone told me they look like a vintage Japanese guitar pickup. Just coincidence if so.
Sounds sweet and mellow with good output. Sound reminds me a bit of a Burns Res-o-Matic.
Trust this is of interest.
A few new pickups.
My multicoil (Wal clone):
Pickups for a Yamaha 6 string bass. They were wound kind of like the old Guild bass humbuckers. Very dark sounding.
I used 44AWG wire and they read 40k in series!
New pickups for a Kawai Alembic copy. The originals are on the bottom with the gold foil stamp logo. There were made in a rubber mold.
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein
Some recent off-the-wall stuff I've done. PAFs are my passion, but I LOVE to get creative and take on the unique projects!
My take on the Mighty Mite Motherbucker! Far more flexible. Handwound center coil, machine wound outers. A5/A4 bar combo.
Oxblood Butyrate? Yep. "Bloodbuckers" neck is a typical T-Top, but with a very slight coil offset. Bridge is a recreation of a very interesting and odd Patent Sticker T-Top I have which was wound at 130 TPL from the factory. George Stevens machine, I suspect, and that's exactly what I recreated it with.
Also, here are a couple pickups i designed...
The humbucker i call the Shred Head, and it was designed to be a metal pickup that fits under a paf cover and would look totally normal in a Les Paul. The other is called the Dual Twanger and was built with the help of Bill from Electric City Pickups... I love humbuckers in the neck slot of a Tele, but i wanted to split to a "regular" Tele neck pickup. Mission accomplished, this thing sounds great!
my first set of pickups!!
okay, just kidding - I've made a few.
these are what I call the Spectrosonic pickups for a semi-hollow that I'm finishing up to show an artist in a couple days. ziricote, BRW and the "polepiece" is amboyna burl. hum-cancelling design with rod magnets. unbelievable sound......
Originally posted by jason lollar View Posti had no idea michael jackson made pickups
That's some great work. I really love the fact you took the time to create the illusion of a pole piece.
Here is a photo of what I am working on for a personal project. It was to be finished earlier this year but other project took priority. I made them like this to achieve the coil geometry I was after. The neck(s) come in at 2.9k each which ends up being exactly what I wanted them to be combined at 5.8k. Because the covers were a little on the deep side making them this way worked out well. (Thanks to fellow forum member for helping me with the covers BTW)
These are going into the body shown. It's a 25.5: scale btw, and getting this neck.
Roadhouse Pickups