After a full spool of purple plain enamel 42 awg wasted (as well as a few other parts), I finally wound my way to a pair of completed PAF style humbuckers for my SG Standard. The neck came in to a perfect 7.20k and bridge nailed a perfect 7.95k. Without having a gauss reading gadget yet, I went through a dozen or so bar mag combos including A2, 3, 4, & 5 - smooth and rough casts and gotta tell ya ... it was a major toss up between A2 & A4 but; the A2zz won!
Where can I post some dry, flat sound clips? I will demo through a Fender Hot Rod deVille 4x12 (60w), a 50W Marshall head & 2X12 Weber cab with his version of JBL D120zz, and, a 100w Marshall head with matching Greenback cabs. I will use my 2005 SG Standard for which these pups were intended.
I got bored with the 57zz I had in there and at my age, buying new pickups for any of my arsenal anymore would be just plain idiotic. Gotta thank you guys and this forum for gettin' me hooked on this winding/building thang!

Where can I post these clips I'm gonna make?
Where can I post some dry, flat sound clips? I will demo through a Fender Hot Rod deVille 4x12 (60w), a 50W Marshall head & 2X12 Weber cab with his version of JBL D120zz, and, a 100w Marshall head with matching Greenback cabs. I will use my 2005 SG Standard for which these pups were intended.
I got bored with the 57zz I had in there and at my age, buying new pickups for any of my arsenal anymore would be just plain idiotic. Gotta thank you guys and this forum for gettin' me hooked on this winding/building thang!

Where can I post these clips I'm gonna make?