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Does scatter winding change DC resistance?

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  • Does scatter winding change DC resistance?


    New here and new to pickup winding, but with 20 years experience as a guitar tech.

    I will start to offer rewinds and think I have most of the theory down (and have made some pickups from scratch).

    However, one thing puzzles me..

    Having two identical pickups, same wire, same number of turns, same tension, etc.., can the DC resistance change depending on the degree of scatter??

    I think the answer is yes(?), but how/why?


    My homemade pickup winder:
    Click image for larger version

Name:	puw.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	360.3 KB
ID:	874707
    Last edited by Guitarfix; 06-27-2019, 12:19 PM.

  • #2
    The DCR depends on wire gauge (determining its resistance per foot) and total wire length (and somewhat on temperature).
    Scatter winding requires more wire length per turn, so total wire length increases for the same number of turns.

    As PU output in a given design is mainly determined by the number of turns, I wouldn't worry about DCR except for quality/consistency checks.
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Helmholtz View Post
      Scatter winding requires more wire length per turn, so total wire length increases for the same number of turns.
      Of course..., that makes perfect sense. Why didn't I think of that

      Thanks a lot


      • #4
        Yes but with scatter wind you put less turns, no ?


        • #5
          Originally posted by tepsamps View Post
          Yes but with scatter wind you put less turns, no ?
          Yes, if you want the same resistance as a non-scatter wound. You will have more layers with scatter wound, though.

          You can actually see the estimated effect and ratio between scatter and non-scatter, by using the coil-estimator:
          Last edited by Guitarfix; 06-28-2019, 12:00 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by tepsamps View Post
            Yes but with scatter wind you put less turns, no ?
            You might but less turns means less output.
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            • #7
              All true, but I think one needs to factor in bobbin characteristics, insomuch as the type of coil shape will constrain, or unconstrain, just how "scattered" the windings can be. So, for instance a Strat-type single coil is taller than a PAF-type bobbin, which in turn is taller than a Jazzmaster coil. The taller the coil, the greater the possibility that any single turn will venture further from the middle, or from the previous turn, adding more to the circumference. So, call it bias on my part, but I would place little credence in claims of "scatter-winding" in low-profile pickups that restrict how different successive turns can be from each other.


              • #8
                I believe in makes it more "complex" and "dense"
                (also expensive, there's only hard evidence for this)

