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I need help wiring up a DIY humbucker kit? Can someone please help?

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  • I need help wiring up a DIY humbucker kit? Can someone please help?

    I'm doing my first DIY humbucker. I have two bobbins wound and ready to mount.

    Can someone please help with the wiring?

    The kit came with a cable that has the guitar end with Red and White soldered together, and Black and Shield soldered together, and a green wire.

    On the pickup end, I have shield soldered to the baseplate, the output of the bobbins soldered together, and the input to the screwside bobbin soldered to the baseplate. Where do green, red, white, and black go to my pickup?


  • #3
    OK, so if I do shield to the pickup baseplate, and green to the input of the slug bobbin, what do I do with the other wires? do I just cap the off and stuff them inside?


    • vintagekiki
      vintagekiki commented
      Editing a comment
      Don't be impatient.
      Carefully study the attached links.

  • #4
    Originally posted by Crossfire View Post
    I still don't get it. If I don't want coil splitting, do I just cap off the red and white wire on both the pickup and in the guitar?
    The 2 coils need to be connected/wired in series but we can't know which of your wires are start and end. Any instructions with your kit?
    Last edited by Helmholtz; 10-31-2020, 11:25 PM.
    - Own Opinions Only -


    • #5
      To clarify:

      Screw Bobbin In
      Screw Bobbin Out
      Slug Bobbin In
      Slug Bobbin Out

      The cable I have is 4 wires and a shield. Red White Black Green Shield

      Where do these go?

      I just want a regular humbucker.

      Screw Bobbin In goes to baseplate
      Screw Bobbin Out and Slug Bobbin Out go together
      Cable Shield goes to baseplate

      Where do cable Red, White, Black, and Green go?


      • #6
        1 Humbucker/1 Volume schematic
        It's All Over Now


        • #7
          ok nevermind. I just capped off the black, red, and white and stuffed them in the pickup.

          Sounds really good. Much better than the PRS Tremonti I had in it.

