I’ve been winding for about a year. Started working for a high volume manufacturer on Tanac CNC machines. Didn’t learn a whole lot other than how to load the bobbins, select the program, and then assemble the pickups. It was a great experience.
since leaving there l, I’ve decided to toy around with winding at home and goodness there’s a lot to learn! I got myself a Mojotone winder and have wound a couple dozen pickups successfully. But with little to no regard for inductance.
Now that I’ve upgraded (a bit) to a UKCNC mini winder, I’m learning about programming parameters and using the magnetic tensioner, adjusting that as well. But I’m stuck and wasting material.
I’m trying to wind something in the JB realm. Using that as a platform to learn about the effects of different parameters.
Currently, this is my recipe and results
53mm bobbins
6500 turns of 44 AWG enameled copper
17g of tension
120 tpl (which my cnc program determined for me)
A5 smooth magnet
nickel-silver baseplate
plastic spacers
30 AWG start and finish wire
8.7k per coil
5.68H assembled
That inductance is way too low. It should be reading 8H+..
what can I do to remedy this? If my research is correct, tight, linear winding should have done the trick. Maybe I need to raise my tension? I don’t know… I’m at a loss. Lol.