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CNC cutting services?

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  • #31
    So, a little update - I talked to a machinist/metal worker who has done work for me before. He cut up a bunch of steel pieces so I could make some clamping jigs and anvils and all sorts of other strange things. I'm passing off one of my scrap sheets that came out over-spec on thickness and he'll have a go. He charges fairly for his time, and I think that makes more sense than dumping money into a cutting set up right away. I'll have him rough stuff to the point where I'm at the shaping/grinding stage, and I'll invest in some small bench top tools like were suggested here... assuming he can cut the stuff. If he can't effectively, then I'm back to the drawing board.

    Sometimes I envy the eBay pickup makers that just wind up stew-mac kits. argh.


    • #32
      Originally posted by FunkyKikuchiyo View Post
      Sometimes I envy the eBay pickup makers that just wind up stew-mac kits. argh.
      Tell me about it!
      It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure. — Albert Einstein

